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Concerns raised about the possibility of the production of motherless artificial babies




On Sunday, January 22nd, 2023, the Secretariat of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate sent a letter to editors of newspapers regarding its concerns about the draft law of ectogenesis. Ectogenesis involves the embryo development in an artificial environment outside the mother’s body. These concerns were raised regarding what is being considered in Verkhovna Rada located in Ukraine where the production of motherless artificial babies is being considered.

The application of ectogenesis technology, where an artificial womb is used to produce human beings, removes the role of the mother in the essence of this process. The letter states, “This technology overrides the natural law of transmission of human life given by the Creator Himself. The legal, ethical, and moral principles prevent the full development of the criminal production of children.”

For the Catholic Church, catechisms are very important as they are the official teachings that are accepted by the church as being in alignment with Scriptures, traditions, and reason. According to Catechism (CCC) Art, 2274: “The embryo must be treated from conception as a person.” Furthermore, Catechism Art.2275 states, “Certain attempts to influence chromosome or genetic inheritance…. are contrary to the personal dignity of the human being and his integrity and identity which are unique and unrepeatable.”

The letter asserts that there is, “No legislative claim to human rights for a human product that results from these social experiments.” Furthermore, it is a “Misuse of science.” It is only proposed by the “Powerful of this world,” who have made this an integral part of what is described as the golden billion evil agenda. The article summarizes this agenda as one that, “Breaks all moral and ethical barriers and involves legislation for their genocidal goal.”

The article goes on further to describe how the artificial womb legislation could open Pandora’s box in terms of a scenario in which the worst crimes against humanity are possible. There are historical precedents as can be seen when the Nazis conducted human experimentation w revealed during the Nuremberg Trial after World War 11. The article notes that, “Modern science in the hands of inhumane people without conscience is being used to destroy the planet’s population.”

The authors of the article are particularly concerned that ectogenesis is being touted as

a solution to the demographic crisis of modern civilization. There is an important question that is posed, “To what purpose should the products of so-called ectogenesis be used?” The authors revealed that human beings have a: material, mental and spiritual side that, “Ectogeneic interventions are a clear rebellion against God the Creator.” Another question that is posed is, “What impact can ectogenic unnatural manipulation have on a person’s spiritual world?” The authors assert that this could lead to infiltration by demonic spirits which would corrupt human nature greatly.

The authors note that by Ukraine introducing this draft law on ectogenesis will inevitably slide toward auto-genocide. There are changes to the Family Code of Ukraine and its civil code with the addition of Part 8 such that, “Embryo development and gestation of human foetuses using the method of ectogenesis (an artificial environment outside the human body) is permitted according to the provisions of the central executive body, which ensures the creation of state policy in the field of health care.”

Information revealed that the law has been enacted into force since it was publicized. Within six months there will be enforcement of the normative-legal actions into compliance. It was on December 26, 2022 that the Bill was presented by A. Danutsa, MP of Ukraine, and later accepted by the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine R.Stefaanchuk.

The world cannot ignore these legitimate concerns.

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