Community News

Conservatives play “The Heavy” with criminality, but do not really enforce the rules



Photo Credit: VladimirK


The Ontario Conservatives are getting ready to: arrest, prosecute and punish ne’er-do-wells who break the law. Further punishments they hope will fit the crime such as:

  • Stunt driving
  • Driving while under the influence
  • Auto theft

All scourges upon society often result in death and destruction. Well, taking away a thief’s vehicle may sound good, but look at the type of person accused of stealing. They will simply steal or borrow someone else’s vehicle. Sure, it’s against the law, but hello, they are thieves. How about taking away their home, emptying their bank account, or putting them into prison for a long time? How about 50 lashes with a cane? These criminals will continue to do what they do until the authorities play hard ball, making the very thought of criminality just too uncomfortable for these ruffians.

Stunt drivers may be caught, and their vehicle taken from them, but then what? Usually, the vehicle impounded is not even theirs. The justice system is just too lenient with these people. Take away their phones, make them work off their required restitution for their crimes. Working on a chain gang sounds just about right.

The addiction’s our neighbors face are numerous, and our government has become complicit in the growth of these addictions. Who manages and regulates just about everything that we can become addicted to?

  • Casinos – Gambling
  • Alcohol – LCBO
  • Medications – Healthcare System OHIP
  • Legal managed Narcotics – Weed
  • Smoking- Vaping – Government regulation
  • Handing out needles, meds with no required counseling – local government, Health System

If the government wants a piece of the action, a huge financial pie, they need to become serious, and completely stop trusting the private sector with regards to managing these addictions. The private sector gets involved only if it can make a profit. Servicing, helping, counseling and managing addictions is an unprofitable venture, a service left to the government, yet the government cannot put a financial charge onto this sector to help flip the bill.

Conservatives in Ontario and Canada demand less regulation, not more. They see the government as a burden they will bear when needed, but when the chips are down, like during the pandemic, who was chomping at the bit in Ottawa and Queens Park. Cutting corporate taxes, not fulfilling their promises to benefit the healthcare system, hoarding billions of dollars given to them by Ottawa during the pandemic, but claiming they don’t have the revenue to pay our essential service workers properly. Remember that Conservative often come from the private sector; if you cannot make a profit don’t do it.

Driving under the influence has been a curse to many. Family members murdered by self-aware drivers knowing that drinking, or smoking pot can negatively influence them, yet doing it. So, if someone loses their license to drive, so what, as many people on the road today are driving without a license, or insurance. Hope you do not meet one in an accident, as you can be victimized both financially and personally.

The government made some medications readily available through our healthcare system, and allowing vaping and smoking to be a personal management situation does indeed place them in legal jeopardy. You allow the sale of harmful stuff; you should be liable. That will not happen, as laws were passed protecting our federal and provincial legislative members from any prosecution, civil, or legal when they decide to enact a law allowing addictions to develop in our society.

Conservatives play “The Heavy” with criminality, but do not really enforce the rules.

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