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Could Digital ID’s be the reason Trudeau’s government deleted COVID-19 injection data from their website?



Photo by ketut-subiyanto- on pexels


After such a vigorous campaign to inject all Canadians with a trial injection, separating them by injection status (aka injection passports), travel refusals, and calling them racist and misogynist, Justin Trudeau’s government is now scrubbing the internet of its COVID information data.

Many questions come to mind, but the main one is why now?

This information was on their website in detailed form, which consisted of age group, amount of dose taken, and time of injection uptake.

Could it be that Canadians have begun to wake up about the damage and deaths caused by these experimental poison shots, and as a result have started refusing them? Or could COVID have been the spare tire used to take Canadians up the hill of a Digital ID system?

Let’s try and analyse this situation and not fall prey to whatever the culprits have planned for us.

On January 10th, 2023, the cumulative percentage of people who received a COVID shot in Canada was deleted. Just before this data was deleted, the first booster uptake in Canada was reported at 50.7%. The second booster uptake was reported at 23.4%.

Note that not only is there a reduction in people showing up for this poison shot, but a drastic reduction. Less than half of the people fell for the game this time around, and this could just be the reason that the organizers decided to change tactics or even change the line-up of the game completely.

On February 3rd, 2023, more items were deleted from the federal government website, again the question remains why and why now? Could it be that Trudeau’s government is fully aware of the death and damage done by these so-called vaccines, but wants to keep most Canadians in the dark?

Could it be that this Liberal government is getting ready to categorize Canadians into groups, like compliant and non-compliant?

Judging from this government’s previous track record one can almost be sure that if the masses allow them to roll out Digital ID it will most definitely be tied to their famous so-called vaccines.

It is extremely important for Canadians not to forget the way those who were not injected were treated just over a year ago. If you were not injected, you were in the rejected category.

Under a Digital ID system, this same treatment will be reserved for your brothers and sisters who don’t comply, only this time it will include jail time and God knows what else. So, as Canadians, we need to look before we leap.

On February 3rd, 2023, Manitoba Premier Scott Moe responded to a request from the Trudeau government to trade its citizen’s medical data with the federal government, but he refused. Here are the quotes from his letter.

“The government of Saskatchewan is not creating a Digital ID, nor will we accept any requirements for the creation of a Digital ID tied to health care funding.”

“The government of Saskatchewan will not share any personal medical information with the federal government. This information is protected under the Health Information Protection Act and will remain so.”

“The government of Saskatchewan may share already publicly available health care statistics, including the number of physicians in Saskatchewan and surgical wait times if requested by any party, including the federal government.”

“The government of Saskatchewan will not surrender nor weaken any health privacy rights when signing a new Canada Health Transfer instead. We will work diligently towards a funding agreement that benefits Saskatchewan people by investing in health care in both rural and urban areas of our province.”

It could be a prudent move for all provinces in this country to adopt Moe’s policy toward any Digital ID system. This move might just avoid Canadians who are seen as enemies of the new narrative from ending up in a concentration camp.

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