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Did Royal Canadian Legion sell out and supported vaccine passports: let’s find out!



Photo Credit: PiggyBank


It is said that the love of money is the root of all-evil, and $14,000,000 is what was given to the Royal Canadian Legion by Trudeau’s government under the umbrella of staying afloat during the pandemic.

The name of this program was called VOESF or Veterans Organizations Emergency Support Fund. The Royal Canadian Legion decided to accept the money, which leaves one to wonder why.

Any and everyone who has been in this country during 2020, 2021 and 2022 knew the government of the day was pushing very hard to implement injection passports, therefore, by taking that money as an organization, you had to comply with the COVID lie.

Speaking of lies, we the public must never forget that the Canadian military supposedly saw this “plandemic” as a unique opportunity to use propaganda techniques on Canadian citizens. They refer to it as “shaping and exploiting information”. This was done to push public health measures while attempting to minimize civil disobedience.

This is a class example of the heartless nature of those who say that they are in charge. These folks have no problems lying to and manipulating the population even though they knew the outcome would mean frustration, loss of business, and eventually death; they have no remorse.

With that in mind the question remains, were the Royal Legions also compromised? Did they turn their backs on veterans to peddle compliance with lockdown measures? This seems very likely.

The government fact sheet named over 200 charities, churches, and businesses and I am sure there are many more. For years now I have wondered why even very small establishments have managed to stay in business while refusing to serve their unmasked and un-vaxxed customers. The answer is becoming clearer and clearer—pandemic funding.

At the top of this article, I spoke of what the love of money can do to an individual, now let’s look at the case of Danielle Smith before she became Alberta’s Premier. This lady had some morals back then. She called out the lying COVID narrative for what it was and even refused to wear the poppy, which is symbolic of the “legions “

When asked why she was not wearing the famous poppy, Smith answered, “They ruined it for me this year.”

“The problem — and I hope we never do this again — with putting doctors in charge is they seem to be hardwired against criticism,” Smith says.

When this same woman became Premier of Alberta, she changed her tune and apologized. Here is what she told the press and people about her previous statements.

“I apologize for any offensive language used regarding this issue made while on talk radio or podcasts during my previous career.”

“I would hope we can all move on to talk about issues that currently matter to Albertans and their families.”

This kind of flip-flopping is what has kept Canada in the pathetic and trifling position that it is in presently.

It is important to note that the Royal Canadian Legion condemned Smith’s comments, stating that “The poppy is a symbol of remembrance, of those who have served Canada and made the supreme sacrifice in the name of democracy,” adding that it has no role in politics.

One has to wonder if the Royal Canadian Legion criticized Smith for not wearing the poppy or if their criticism of her was because she came out against the COVID lies and mandates, after all the Royal Canadian Legion has $14 million reasons to not be on her side.

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