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Dr. Gopeesingh gives Trinidad and Tobago Government an ultimatum: Release Coronavirus findings or be counted as jokers



Photo Credit: DR TIM D. Gopeesingh - Facebook


According to Opposition Leader Mrs. Kamla Persad-Bissessar S.C and Dr. Gopeesingh the present government of Trinidad and Tobago headed by Prime Minister Rowley is not doing a good job when it comes to managing the present health crisis on that Caribbean Island at all.

This present administration is said to be involved in what the opposition calls continued psychological assault on the grieving, traumatized, helpless families of the thousands of citizens who have tragically lost their lives to COVID-19 in the past twenty months.

Dr. Tim Gopeesingh is a Senior Gynecological Oncologist, Former MP, and Cabinet Minister on the Island and has described the sick and dead as, “Victims of the administration’s criminal negligence, pervasive incompetence and dangerous mismanagement of the Coronavirus pandemic.

“COVID-19 hospitals have now become virtual killing fields as a result of the Rowley Government’s prolonged, medically negligent casualties. Daily, the population is inundated with reports of more and more dead bodies piling up in funeral homes, being left there for weeks, with relatives being forced to suffer the added indignity of inhumane final rites for their loved ones,” said Gopeesingh.

The government has set up a team to look into and report the findings of all the pandemic illnesses and deaths in one week, but now the team is requesting three more weeks before it can report the problem, and this is making the opposition very suspicious.

Initially, the ruling party had set a one-week deadline for these reports to be made available, but according to the opposition, that is impossible.

“Both Opposition Leader Mrs. Kamla Persad-Bissessar S.C and I had pointed out that the initial seven day-timeframe given to complete this extensive probe was woefully insufficient. No committee could therefore possibly investigate and report on Rowley’s non-existent, non-functional, and disastrous and failed so-called parallel healthcare system in just one week,” said Gopeesingh.

Gopeesingh continued to paint a grim picture of a Trinidad and Tobago under the Rowley’s leadership, “Yet, even as this Committee takes three more weeks to complete its probe, T&T continues to suffer an alarmingly high, inexplicable daily COVID-19 death rate, which ranks among the highest in the world.

Thus far, over 3,300 COVID-19 patients have tragically lost their lives since 2020, at a current average of 15 deaths per day, while the daily infection rate remains equally high.”

Here is a list of questions that the opposition says the ruling party should have answers to for the public as soon as possible.

Why does T&T rank among the worst COVID-19 mortality rate in the world?

What are the causative and preventative factors for the dangerous, unacceptable, and intolerable daily COVID-19 deaths?

Why is the mortality rate in the ICUs close to 100%?

Why has the Ministry of Health refused to provide the information on mortality and morbidity in HDUs and ICUs at the various hospitals?

Why are COVID-19 patients not afforded the relevant and necessary drug treatments to save their lives?

Why is there a paucity of senior medical and nursing personnel at the forefront of the COVID-19 medical care and management?

Why are there still insufficient or critical shortages of all medical, nursing, and paramedical staff for COVID-19 treatment?

Why are COVID-19 PCR test results still taking five to six days to obtain results?

What has the Government done in helping to manage the more than 16,000 Covid positive patients at home, many of whom are left to die without any supervision and management?

Why is there an acute shortage of ambulances for urgent transport of COVID-19 patients?

Meanwhile, Gopeesingh said that he has been “reliably informed” that the inspection committee has called some hospitals and given them a heads up as to the date and time of their visit so that they can clean up.

“They have reportedly instructed that the Accident and Emergency Departments, COVID-19 tents, High Dependency Units (HDUs) and Intensive Care Units (ICUs) be sanitized and populated with enough nurses, doctors, paramedical staff and equipment, so as to give a false impression of them being properly managed.” 

Citizens are now mistrustful when it comes to going to the hospitals and now seek outside help for the Coronavirus.

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