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Education Unions raise concerns about the Ford government’s relentless attack on public education



Photo Credit: Tamarcus Brow


The 83,000 strong Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario (ETFO) has been consistently advocating and fighting for an equitable, inclusive and fair public education.

In the last few months, they have issued several media releases, which have brought issues to the public attention in what they believe is the Ford government’s relentless attack on public education. On Monday, August 3rd, 2023, they released a press release in conjunction with the 42,000 strong Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Federation (OECTA) with respect to the new Policy/Program Memorandum 168-Reading Instruction and Early Reading Screening (PPM 168). Both unions expressed reservations regarding PPM 168, which is a response to the Ontario Human Rights Commission’s Right to Read’s inquiry report being released without consulting them.

ETFO and OECTA are concerned that despite statements by Ontario Minister of Education, Stephen Lecce regarding the importance of maintaining stability in the public education system, its actions have had the opposite effects. The press release notes, “This government continues to introduce sweeping changes without providing the necessary time and resources for proper implementation. These changes will violate collective agreements when the new requirements mandated through policy memorandum are implemented, ignoring the collective bargaining rights of the professionals who care for and teach students across Ontario.”

Both unions are currently engaged in bargaining with the Ontario government as their old contracts have expired. They are concerned that the introduction of this memorandum could potentially jeopardize the current negotiations. The press release states, “By arbitrarily introducing this new policy, the government has once again circumvented the collective bargaining process rather than engaging in meaningful discussions and good faith bargaining with the professionals who know and understand the students in their care,”

Both unions are adamant in their belief that the Ontario government and Minister Lecce by their actions have shown that they do not have the best interests of students in mind as the new school year approaches. The press release outlines explicitly, “If they were, they would value the professionalism of all educators, respect collective bargaining rights, and ensure that adequate resources and time are available to all students and educators. The chronic underfunding of public education from this government continues to short-change students. Implementing a screener for early reading without providing the necessary resources, training, and other support will leave vulnerable students behind and will do nothing to truly address the issue of early literacy.”

The joint press release concludes, “The government must keep these issues where they belong, at the bargaining table. We once again call on the Ford Conservative government to drop the ‘spin’ and instead work collaboratively and meaningfully with frontline educators to make the real, sustained investments in publicly funded education needed, so that all students have the learning environment they deserve.”

On Wednesday, August 8th, 2023, ETFO filed an unfair labour practice complaint against the Ford government for its refusal to bargain in good faith. ETFO President, Karen Brown mentioned in the press release on Thursday, August 9th, 2023 “Rather than working with us collaboratively, rather than respecting the bargaining process, the government reverted to its true form and imposed a policy that violates both our members’ collective agreement rights and labour law in this province.”

ETFO contends that releasing PPM 168 while central bargaining is in session, is an affront to the integrity of the negotiation process. President Brown notes, “The arrogance of this government to violate the statutory freeze period and restrict ETFO members’ exercise of professional judgment while we are actively negotiating at the table has pushed us to take this action. All parties are required by law to bargain in good faith. By imposing this new policy, the Ford government has determined yet again that it is above the law.”

Details of ETFO’s unfair labour practice complaint can be seen at

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