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Fear and loathing in America!



Photo Credit: RODNAE Productions Via Pexels


Why do Americans hate and fear their fellow citizens? It has to be that, or perhaps they fear losing control of their state and nation? People of colour are being denied their constitutional rights to vote in elections, to speak their minds freely.

While the Democratic administration is doing the best they can to fulfil their election promises, right wing factions, entrenched political and social powers in the US south and midwest have gone to their state legislatures to stop the Right to Vote Movement and stall Black Lives Matter.

Over thirty voter suppression laws have already been passed by nineteen states, some of which open the door to the overturning of elections; many more will be introduced into state legislatures in January. With hyper-gerrymandered Congressional maps locking in partisan advantage, dark money flooding our election system, and the intimidation of election officials, activists will urge President Biden and the Senate to stop democratic subversion by passing the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act immediately. Failure to pass this critical voting rights legislation this year could be the nail in the coffin for American democracy.

Some might think that there is a democracy, but the question I have is for whom? It brings to mind the: anti slavery, movement, women’s rights, civil rights and gay rights movements all of which made a difference, because someone in America could vote for change.

The Republicans and Trump lobby are against free votes, recognizing the accomplishments of Black people throughout American History. A numbers game seems to be prevailing here. Elections are lost with a few votes to spare, so limiting those who can vote to the mind-set of a Republican, will affect an election.

Trump said his election was stolen. Millions of Americans will lose their ability to make change because those in power, and those who support them stand against progressive human change. The Republican Party does not respect American electoral traditions, citizen’s rights, or freedom of expression. Many media centers are being manipulated by what they call black money; coming from somewhere it buys the media’s loyalty and allegiance.

These brave people fighting for voting rights, equality, and really all that the American constitution has already promised All Americans have run up against a massive White Wall within their own local towns and states. When do you think they will finally realize that the Federal Government is unwilling or unable to force the issue in Congress and that a possible second civil war is upon us?

Fear and loathing in America.

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