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Fight for your healing!


Greetings star family! I hope this edition finds you well.  Many are making the transition back to school and full time work.  With yet another phase of change this year can come some anxiety and stress. I am sending you all an abundance of love, light and power to continue to stay healthy in mind, body and spirit.

Summer is coming to an end, with that comes less sunlight. This can have an impact on our mood and energy levels. Making sure we are maintaining our: vitamin D, hydration and other health routines are extremely important as we go through this period of transition.

You know the vibes! Let’s look to the cosmos for some answers, as the universal law states, “As above, so below.”  There are a few transitions happening in the sky as well!  As discussed briefly last time, Mars is now in retrograde as of September 9th to November 13th.  This brings us to a total of seven planets in retrograde until September 13th when Jupiter returns direct. Mars will be retrograde in his home sign of Aries. Each planet has a sign that it rules or calls home, as the energies are most compatible.  With Mars at home in Aries, the energy is intensified, with retrograde season, we are to direct that energy within.

Mars is the planet of physical energy, activity, courage and assertiveness. It also influences our anger and aggression.  Mars retrograde in Aries, signals reflection for our inner warrior. The last time Mars was retrograde was in summer 2018, things have definitely changed since then!  It will be helpful to look back to what was going on in our lives at that time, and reflect on what has changed in our personal lives. How have our past actions informed our current situation? Are our current: actions, goals, things we deem worth fighting for in alignment with who we currently are? We might have adapted or adopted behaviours and coping mechanisms that seemed right in the past, but those very same behaviours may be hindering us now. Mars is asking us if our actions are in alignment with who we say we are?

Aries is the sign of personal identity. Chiron the asteroid deemed the wounded healer is also retrograde in Aries right now. With both of these energies combined we are being afforded the opportunity to examine the masks we are wearing. Who are we? How has our identity or idea of ourselves been wounded? How can we reclaim who we truly are? Then we can reflect on what actions need to take place based on our answers.

We have discussed this before, it’s time to take the masks off! They may protect us in the physical realm but in the spiritual realm, authenticity and clarity is required. You cannot heal what you do not reveal. We have to have the courage to face our true selves, fears, flaws and all. We are fighting covid. We are fighting racism. We are fighting injustice. It’s easy to get caught up in all these causes and movements.

The war we need to direct our energies to for the next two months, is the fight for our healing!  Fight for your physical and mental health. Stand up for your spiritual well being. Assert your true self. This is the greatest battle worth fighting for. If we all hold ourselves accountable for our own actions and energy, we will have more strength, clarity and direction for the other battles we are facing.

It’s time to heal the wounded warrior, fight for your healing!!

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