Africa has had horrible wars, genocides and health crisis that devastated their small nations, keeping this land’s populations in poverty and continual war like situations. The West loved to divest Africa of its population (cheap labour) long ago, transporting slaves to every corner of this world. Presently the West and China also prefer to gain control of Africa’s natural resources and export their profits elsewhere away from a place dearly in need of investment. Poor people are controllable, wealthy Africans easily manipulated, and African politicians often easily corrupted.
Did any western nation send its military into Rwanda when the horrors of Genocide happened? A few French legionnaires were sent in to protect their nationals and those African officials allied with them. The Western allies, former colonizers to be sure, will take, while making a show of their charitable ways by sending medical supplies to those who suffer. Russia, China, the UK and EU nations sent both sides of this conflict military supplies. After all, African nations are very good clients of the Western Military Complex.
Look what the West is doing now in the Ukraine. Outside of military troops on the ground that we know of, everything else is being done to punish Putin’s Russia, who will surely become openly allied to a new partner soon. Yes, China. They have more in common, and less diverging issues. A dictatorship is a dictatorship. Africans should know this after hundreds of years of European political and social manipulation, with multiple installations of puppet regimes working for the West in Africa.
There have been horrible natural, and human made disasters in Latin America, the Caribbean, and throughout the world. The only time nations like America and the EU show economic and political action is when their nations economic investments are threatened. Haiti comes to mind, a native indigenous population with African cultural imprints. They have had multiple natural disasters, with political chaos and massive corruption too. Did America, Canada or the EU bring about a solution for these people? Housing, food sources and protection from multiple gangs are needed, and yet Haiti remains an empty breadbasket looking for real substance from their larger neighbours to the north.
Middle class America and Canadians are familiar with Europeans in need. The former Yugoslavia fell apart, and civil war happened. America and Canada responded with troops, money, and political assistance.
The West is moving towards a new cold war, one that is not ideological, but nationalistic in nature. Nations pitted against each other, using smaller nations as buffer zones or places where real war will happen. A new axis of evil is arising, and it has done so because of the West’s inaction, greed, and manipulative ways.
The Western cultural prejudice can be seen in the political and economic actions enacted against Russia. Russia will look to their Chinese neighbours for economic and political assistance, and those who are poor in every nation of this globe will suffer because of the mismanagement of world affairs you’re seeing on your favourite media sources. Everything that could have been done a decade ago to bring about a peaceful situation in Europe was ignored, because those decisions that would have accomplished “peace in our time” (the fool Chamberlain) did not satisfy Russia’s or the West’s political and economic goals. The poorer nations should cry for a savoir, but all they will find are nations who only care about the bottom line.