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Geoengineering; Scary technology worth knowing about!




In the last year or so, I have noticed that a hot topic of global discussion is geoengineering. I have seen people share information about it and have been written off as conspiracy theorists. I have also seen those who propagate this technology as what will save the world. What I am going to do today is provide information on it, and allow you to take it from there.

Geoengineering is a controversial topic, and for good reason. It describes a set of technologies that seeks to reflect a small fraction of sunlight back into space to cool the planet. The most prominent such technology involves deliberately injecting tiny reflective particles into the stratosphere.

There have been debates on this topic; both about the science and technology itself and on the societal and policy implications. There have been some valid concerns over the impacts of solar engineering, but first, what is it anyways?

Geoengineering is rapidly emerging technologies that could manipulate the environment and partially offset some of the impacts of climate change (buzzword). It is split into two broad categories:

  • Carbon Geoengineering, often called carbon dioxide removal (CDR)
  • Solar Geoengineering, often called solar radiation management (SRM), Albedo modification, or sunlight reflection

According to research being done at Harvard, carbon geoengineering seeks to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, which they claim will address the root cause of climate change – the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

The Harvard researchers explain that solar geoengineering seeks to reflect a small fraction of sunlight back into space or increase the amount of solar radiation that escapes back into space to cool the planet. It aims to reduce some climate damages.

There are just a few problems. The first is the side effects. Sulfate aerosols are pumped into the upper atmosphere to block sunlight. The sulfates slow or reverse the recovery of the ozone layer; this might reduce global rainfall, and the rain that did fall would be more acidic.

If SO2 are continuously injected into the lower stratosphere, it would produce global cooling, stopping melting of the ice caps, and increasing the uptake of CO2 by plants. Other reasons why some scientists say it is a bad idea are:

  • Disruption of the Asian and African summer monsoons
  • Reducing precipitation to the food supply for billions of people
  • Ozone depletion
  • No more blue skies
  • Reduction of solar power

There are also concerns about commercial or military control, and it may seriously degrade terrestrial astronomy and satellite remote sensing.

I want to leave you with a 26-minute video that was most recently released ( The speaker is Kristen Meghan, a Former Air Force Pilot Turned Chemtrail, Geoengineering Whistleblower. In this presentation Kristen shared what she had discovered about geoengineering and chemtrails while serving her country. Some scary stuff, but it is worth knowing.

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