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Hope is the contagion




A lonely mother gazing out of her window
Staring at a son that she just cannot touch.
If at any time he’s in a jam she’ll be by his side,
but he does not realize he hurts her so much.

But all the praying just ain’t helping at all
Cause he can’t seem to keep his self out of trouble.
So, he goes out and he makes money the best way he knows how.
Another body laying cold in the gutter.
(Don’t go chasing waterfalls, TLC)

I’m a middle-class White guy, so you’re probably asking yourself why I care about folks who have difficulty coping in our world? Their struggles are real, their dreams vast, but their direction in life is often not truly blessed. Looking for work, for recognition and reward, these people are you and I in this global discord.

Black, White, Asians and Brown, our colours mean much, but are always unfound, for the truth we look for, search for all our lives, does it matter? Are we important in others’ eyes?

I was a target for thugs as a young man, I learned to run fast and hopefully survive, without the ever-present threat of a black eye. Fat, stupid and awkward was I, a simple young lad taken advantage of so true. One day I opened my eyes to the truth we all can behold; that there were more of us out there than those who inflict pain and torment.

Bob Marley, Mandela, Dr King and I, we can perform miracles if so desired, for it is easy to destroy, it is easier to rob and steal, for the fear imposed upon others brings us all downward in shame. Only those who create, love and comfort others and forgive will prosper in time, and our extended hands will explore humanities needs in a continual rhythm.

My only bleedin’ hope is for the folk who can’t cope
With such a endurin’ pain that it keeps them in the pourin’ rain.
Who’s to blame for tootin’ caine into your veins what a shame
You shoot and aim at someone else’s brain, you claim the insane
and name this pay in time for fallin’ prey to crime.
I say the system got you victim to your mind,
dreams are hopeless aspirations,
In hopes to come true Believe in Yourself
The rest is all up to you!

The power elite, with their feudal plans, care little for us all, and use us for their plans.

We the people should see our lost hero’s faces, their messages clear. Through unity of purpose we the people can have our day, More alike than different, we open our eyes with purpose today. We defeat fear and its allies through courageous ingenuity, for the little guy is with us, its you and I, giants with a plan to create and build a society that brightly shines forth,  before all you can see, every man believes in you and me.

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