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If the noise you make becomes loud enough, your opinion has become a life-giving gift to others



Photo By: Eye for Ebony


“Opinions are the cheapest commodities on earth. Everyone has a flock of them ready to be wished upon anyone willing to accept them. If you are influenced by  “opinions” while you have reached a decision of action, you will not succeed in any undertaking.” Napoleon Hill

“Care what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.” Lao Tzu

“Opinion is the medium between knowledge and ignorance”. Plato

Do you consider the opinions of others, or do you hear simple noises around you? They say wisdom is allied with age, so presumably seniors should be an intelligent lot. Our lived experiences grant us the privilege to speak with the hope that someone may be listening, and considering what they hear. Opinions are golden, gifts to the wise and stupid alike, possible advice given with an invoice attached. Payment is found in how others respond to one’s opinion, positively, or not so much.

I have many opinions, but those most striking are of authoritarian ideology, regimes and personalities that simply make me angry.  I have experienced horrid actions against others in: North Africa, the Soviet Union and Cuba. Authoritarian personalities are: rich, poor, working class, slim, overweight, Brown, Black, White or Asian. They come in every shape, size and colour, but they remain the same in character and how they treat others.

Bullies – insecure personalities – celebrity struck – attracted to power, money and influence.

We have family members who are authoritarian, as do some police and politicians as well. Ever meet someone so pushy and demanding, forever trying to get you to do something you do not want to do? A person can be quiet, observant and living in solitude from others as well, and suddenly something happens and that person breaks forth enthusiastic about an idea, event or purpose. Hitler was such a man, withdrawn until he gathered others for his solution to loneliness, and founded Nazism. The little guy could now push others around, a bully by any other name.

I write about the Chinese Communist Government, its goals and purpose within this world of ours, which is to achieve prominence and complete power. It is the dream of every authoritarian regime, organization and personality.

I write letters that are effective and strike at the hearts of our opponents. How do I know this you may ask? Well at my home, and at my place of business we have received phone calls demanding that I stop projecting my opposition to China-Russia-Other dictatorial nations. I ask my fellow citizens to stop buying from China, become more selective in what, where and how those items are made. Support Taiwan and China’s neighbours like Vietnam, Singapore and Japan, non-aggressive friendlier nations.

I have been attacked online, hacked and threatened. A bully uses verbal attacks before they move onto more physical actions. The Chinese government has accused me of being racist (accused by a truly racist Muslim/Ethnic group hating regime like China). I speak about the folly of Ukraine and other freedom craving movements to not trust America and the West’s promises of defence and brotherhood.

The Hungarians, Czechs, Afghans, Southern Vietnamese, Rwandans, Egyptian and Iranian Freedom movements and Cubans all heard America’s promises of assistance and defence, but where allowed to suffer at the hands of tyrants.

Your opinion means something folks. If the noise you make becomes loud enough, and your efforts to achieve good things make others aware and participate in our democratic movement, your opinion has become a life-giving gift to others.

“Most of the great and important things in the world have been accomplished by people who kept on trying when their seemed no hope at all” Dale Carnegie

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