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I’m not sure they can do it! Learning the art of delegation


During the first COVID-19 lockdown, I noticed that there was a surge of new businesses popping up everywhere. This is a wonderful thing because it means that more people are discovering their passions and finding ways to make their passions lucrative.

I want to help anyone who is reading this right now with a tip that I wish was given to me at the very beginning, but first, let’s look at how things might be for you as a new business owner. I want to ask you a few questions:

  • How many times have you taken on too much yourself and made mistakes because of it?
  • How many times have you spent extra hours at the office just to do something that could have easily been handled by one of your workers?
  • How many of your stresses could be mitigated if you had someone doing those things that you really don’t want to do?

I know! I know! You probably don’t even realize that you have a problem letting go of tasks. Maybe you do, and you are just unsure of how to do it. What you have to realize is that you are hurting your business’s growth and employee engagement. You are used to doing it by yourself, growing the business on your own. This whole idea of delegation is difficult because it is the exact opposite of how you achieved your success.

It comes down to one basic matter; you have an inability to let go. It is that fear that resides in all of us that if you let go, you lose control. The only problem is that if you don’t let go it could result in some catastrophic consequences.

Your day must remain focused on your vision, your strategy, and your business development, not routine matters. This article is going to help you look at delegating in a new light. It is going to help you take a look at the tasks you take on and practice delegating those that aren’t high priority, complex or strategic.

Whenever you take on a task that you feel you shouldn’t be doing, it’s an indication that you are not delegating enough. If you feel stressed when you know you have to take on a new task, it is a sign that you are not delegating enough.

Remember, refusing to delegate limits the size of your business. Here are some things that you can do to help you delegate tasks, grow your business, and lower your stress level.

I don’t want to do that!
There are just certain parts of your business that you would much rather not do. It could be bookkeeping. It could be the social media aspect. Take a look at all of your tasks and figure out the stuff you really don’t want to do.

But you’re really good at it!
Choose whom you delegate to wisely. Your employees, or volunteers have different strengths. Pay attention and learn their strengths and weaknesses before handing off tasks. It is important that you set them up for success, so be sure the work you’re giving them plays to their abilities. Pick the person to whom you want to delegate and explain to the person (a) what job you want done, and (b) by when and how you want it to be done.

What are your expectations?
People may want to do a good job, but they need to know what you consider to be a job well done. How does the task look from start to finish? What are your expectations as far as each step of the process? When you can articulate these clearly, preferably in writing, then you can give them something they can reference if they have questions. Keep the lines of communication open and discuss with them how they plan to do it, answering any questions they may have.

Your skills are dope! I need them!
It is important to vet your team carefully. If you need a content creator, don’t hire someone who enjoys teaching. If you need a social media-marketing expert, don’t hire someone who enjoys creating content. Match the skill to the job and you will win every time. The best work comes from a person who truly enjoys what they are doing.

You got this! I know you do!
Affirming a person is a very powerful technique. It may sound small, but saying, “Thank you for taking this on.” can be an invaluable way to make a team member not only feel appreciated, but also gain respect for the importance of the task. Once you have affirmed them, let them do the job and resist the urge to micromanage.

Read this article a few times and let this sink in. Delegation is a part of being a great entrepreneur whether you like it or not.

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We, as humans are guaranteed certain things in life: stressors, taxes, bills and death are the first thoughts that pop to mind. It is not uncommon that many people find a hard time dealing with these daily life stressors, and at times will find themselves losing control over their lives. Simone Jennifer Smith’s great passion is using the gifts that have been given to her, to help educate her clients on how to live meaningful lives. The Hear to Help Team consists of powerfully motivated individuals, who like Simone, see that there is a need in this world; a need for real connection. As the founder and Director of Hear 2 Help, Simone leads a team that goes out into the community day to day, servicing families with their educational, legal and mental health needs.Her dedication shows in her Toronto Caribbean newspaper articles, and in her role as a host on the TCN TV Network.

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