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In a cashless society, the folks controlling the transaction are not you



Photo Credit: Cotton Bro


Have you ever wondered what kind of person, or people would like to know every aspect of another human being’s life? In this article, we will try to unscramble this sinister mindset.

Imagine your streetlights being used by telecom companies as mounting sites for their: private infrastructure, surveillance cameras, surveillance audio detection, small cell 5G, and digital banners that provide real-time public information. This is happening as we speak in cities like Los Angeles, California.

Here is what attorney Greg Glaser, who represented in a case against that city had to say, “That’s not smart, that’s surveillance profiteering. The cameras and microphones have a radius that can pick up conversations inside buildings, and artificial intelligence on the backend can process data in real-time.”

“These technologies are working together to promote the internet of things and voluntary digital ID before the LA Olympic Games in 2028.”  Yes, you heard right the words Digital IDs were used.

The organization that took the city planners and schemers to court is Children’s Health Defense (CHD), and they also won. The presiding judge ordered the city to provide all the documents connected to their smart city surveillance scheme to CHD.

Attorneys for Children’s Health Defense argued successfully that if the parents and children do not know what they are up against information-wise, they cannot accept or opt out of such a nefarious scheme.

This happened after the city of LA wanted to hold back a stack of documents requested by CHD under the California Public Records Act. For the record, the city of LA has not been forthcoming with questions about what data is collected and how. “Our case focused on gaining access to thousands of these withheld city records regarding the smart city rollout,” Glaser said. To keep this information away from the public the city tried to invoke deliberative process privilege but failed.

These documents show a lot of planning and the outright dismissal of the citizens’ feelings. The city will host the 2028 Summer Olympics and plans to provide tourists with a “digital Olympic experience,” according to the SmartLA 2028 strategy document, the privacy of the citizens of LA must take a back seat.

The document outlines a vision for the city that Olympics consumers will visit — a smart city built for Los Angeles to compete in the digital economy.

Speaking of a digital economy, Arizona and Georgia will be the first states to make their licenses compatible with Apple Wallet, with the others — Connecticut, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Oklahoma, and Utah. This makes eight US states on board with Digital IDs.

Readers, how close is Canada to adopting these measures? From the looks of things, very close. Since the 2020 scam of the century called COVID-19 it is common knowledge that all captured governments are steering the masses directly into a cashless nightmare.

What is their reason for doing so Michael, you might ask? Surveillance and control. Cashless may sound appealing to many people, especially the younger crowd, but there are many downsides to this method that governments are not revealing for obvious reasons.

There is always an explanation about our safety. Just a little over four years ago, we were given the “germs on money COVID lecture” which was and still is a downright lie concocted by clowns.

In a cashless society, the folks controlling the transaction are not you. It is the bankers and the government; you can be cut off anytime unlike good old-fashioned cash transactions. Don’t you think your government already figured this out?

As for surveillance, and cell phones, you are paying to be monitored 24/7. Edward Snowden gave us the bag about all the cell phone manufacturers’ little dirty secrets. Even if the user powers off these cell phones, the device still records you in real time, how is that for a privacy lesson?

Here in Canada, 5G was pitched to us on TV as the best thing since sliced bread. We were told it is good for downloading movies and large files very quickly. What was hidden from us by our cell phone providers, and our loving government was the fact that 5G is one step below a bioweapon.

When it comes to smart cities, Canada is moving full speed ahead. Ask yourself why every time you turn on your TV the subject always leads to climate change, sustainable development, the ozone layer, protected lands, smart cars, gasoline vehicles being a problem, smart meters, more green spaces, and the talking points go on.

City planners in Edmonton Alberta are making a run of the 15-minute city scheme under the disguised mask of having efficient neighborhoods. They are trying to sell the public a bag of convenience where instead of driving to get what you need; they will make it available to you where you live.

All this happens while they gaslight the conscious ones who speak out trying to warn the masses.  Edmonton’s city planners’ new pitch slogan goes like this, “If you plan a community where every district has almost everything a person needs, we will spend less time commuting and more time in communities.”

The city planners say, “The goal is to accommodate 600,000 new residents in redeveloped areas with 50%  all new home units added through INFILL, the plan also calls for half of all future travels to be done by transit, and for residents to access all their daily needs in 15 minutes.”

For the record, I looked up INFILL and this is what the company describes itself as “Infill is the process of developing vacant, or under-used land within existing urban areas that are already developed.”

“Infill can consist of demolishing a building and replacing it with something new. It also includes the development of residential, commercial, mixed-use or institutional on vacant lots in existing neighborhoods.”

Something about the above two paragraphs sounds like acquiring lands and property regardless of agreement, maybe it is just me, so I digress.

As for Digital IDs for Canadians, you can bet they are in the works. Digital IDs have been introduced in Canada for over a year now. They will be needed for: healthcare access, online banking, entering stores, digital currencies, travel, e-commerce, access to social media, e-government, telecommunications, and smart cities.

All this and more will come your way Canadians, once you remain polite and docile. Remember, the choice is yours!

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