A Look At Society

Ineffective public involvement results in a total lack of transparency, accountability and effective governing



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“The truth is, one who seeks to achieve freedom by petitioning those in power to give him it has already failed, regardless of the response. To beg for a blessing from authority is to accept that the choice is the masters alone to make, which means that the person is already, by definition, a slave.” Larken Rose

Have our national governments carried out their jobs properly? Are they servicing the general good to the fullest extent possible? I think not!

The pandemic that is still with us was forecasted many decades ago.

Climate change has been a reality for us all since WWII.

Dictatorship over democracy has been a challenge for so, so long.

Russia and China ‘s progressive political and economic growth was foreseen.

The rich will rule, and the sheep will service their masters, just like it has always been.

We can speak out loud, but is it truly meaningful?

Image and perception is more powerful than reality.

Social media creates wealth and destroys lives through its open, freely managed principals.

Smaller nations cannot achieve true national freedom. They will succumb to more powerful regional nations.

Our governments have shown themselves to be lacklustre, incapable of thinking ahead, forecasting what could be. Our economies lack any real control. The government has allowed corporations to rule the day, with no afterthought of how it will affect its citizens. All the shortages we face, all the labour shortages we are experiencing could have been dealt with in foresight, and futuristic planning. Our government’s main objective is to maintain a budget, our economic engine, the capitalistic system centres upon revenue achievement. It is what we perceive that’s important. Images of controlled economic processes are believed and propaganda sold to our citizens.

Is democracy more efficient than dictatorship? No it is not. Democracies demand long-term studies, and balanced budgets while oppressive regimes can achieve a great deal within an illusionary society. What you see may not be reality. Is freedom of speech truly significant? Not really. Lots of hot air, spoken emotionally while the majority of your fellow citizens are watching Big Brother or some sports franchise. People do not even vote these days. These people believe that voting is meaningless, achieving little of significance. All the while social media’s power and influence increases its power telling us what to believe and what to do.

Every one of our governments has the obligation to study, understand and prepare for any calamity that could befall us. They did not do their jobs. Preparing is a costly venture and they did not want to spend money on something that could possibly happen. Do you feel like you have been robbed? Do you feel like these elitists are not doing their jobs?

Ineffective public involvement results in a total lack of transparency, accountability and effective governing. You don’t put any effort in understanding whom, why, and how you are ruled. These opportunists respond in kind. You can hope for the best, but still be prepared for the worst.

Being prepared for all things means being your own person, your own decision maker. Governments that do not prepare for futuristic happenings, are a government of either stupidity or servitude to another. Millions of our global citizens perished because our governments were unprepared, unwilling to admit to realities that challenged their own selfish plans.

A militaristic attitude can be a positive thing. Like the scouts motto, “Always be prepared.” Those who rule us live in a world all their own. They are not experiencing the inflationary pressures you do, nor the feelings of dread about your employment, future retirement or the futures of your children. They are outsiders looking in, while we try to manage our livelihoods and keep them intact.

The wealthy and powerful care little about us, at least until we are trying to take what is theirs in protest. Imaginative, creative and determined effort is needed to solve our many problems. Being prepared, motivated and energetic are those elements needed to achieve a bright future.

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