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Is it possible that other government officials are profiting from the suppression of Canadians?




The medical officer of health for the city of Toronto, Eillen de Villa, has been calling the shots in regards to Covid measures, which is being considered to be the harshest and longest lockdown in North America. Citizens, doctors, health professionals, pastors and small business owners have questioned the rationale of Covid measures and requested evidence from the government to explain how these decisions are being made. Questions have also been circulating in regards to who may be profiting from such measures.

Under section 33 of the Canadian Charter Rights and Freedoms, the notwithstanding clause allows Parliament or provincial legislatures to temporarily override certain portions of the Charter, however; the onus is on the government to justify violations. Multiple FOI requests remain unanswered leaving citizens in the dark and the lack of transparency may be the reason people have started to investigate the motives behind those making decisions.

De Villa was under scrutiny last year when she was accused of overstepping her power with her order to shutdown Adamson’s BBQ in Etobicoke. In a social media post, the owner of Adamson’s BBQ, states that he will be challenging these actions in open court and encourages others to sit in on the video to shine light on what has been going on behind the scenes.

Most recently, De Villa has been quite active in the push for mass vaccinations through press conferences as well as town hall meetings.  She may find herself facing scrutiny once again due to information that may suggest a possible conflict of interest.

Eileen de Villa is married to Dr. Richard Choi, who may have financial ties to two of the leading COVID-19 manufacturers. In an expert case-based panel discussion on June 12th, 2020 titled CVUPDATE2020, Choi is listed as part of the Planning Committee/Faculty on a PDF from the event, but is missing from the agenda on the site itself, which raises questions. The pdf can be found online and includes the following details as part of the Symposium Speaker disclosure:

Speaker name: Dr. Richard Choi

  • Relationships with financial interests:
  • Research Support: AstraZeneca, Bayer
  • Speakers Bureau/Honoraria/Consulting fees: AstraZeneca, Bayer, Boehringer Ingelheim/Lilly, BMS/Pfizer, HLS, Novartis, Sanofi, Servier

Currently, Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech, Astrazeneca, and Janssen COVID-19 vaccines have been approved for distribution in Canada. As of March 10th, 2021, Ontario is in the lead accounting for 1,457,005 of the 3,881,064 vaccines distributed across Canada. Pfizer-Biotech accounts for 1,045,005 those vaccines that have been distributed within Ontario. Updates on the vaccine rollout can be found on the Government of Canada website.

Premier Doug Ford seems to be quite pleased to have Ontario in the lead with vaccine distribution. Despite this news, citizens are not satisfied and still have questions. What type of support or financial gain does Choi receive from Pfizer and Astrazeneca?  If he does in fact have financial ties to any of the vaccine manufacturers, one can suggest that De Villa has done her part to support.

Premier Ford is also being questioned in regards to a possible conflict of interest. Doug Ford’s family business Deco Labels is responsible for the COVID-19 related signage, stickers and decals posted all over the city. Let’s pause and think about this for a second. How many Covid related stickers do you see while shopping, grabbing food or going to your latest appointment?

David Menzies of Rebel News reached out to Ivana Yelich, the premier’s director of media relations for some answers, but unfortunately was unsuccessful. He then visited the Toronto location in hopes to conduct an interview, but was told to leave the premises. You can see how that all went down on the Rebel News website.

There has been an outcry for transparency across the country and citizens just aren’t’ getting it. How would Torontonians feel if they knew DeVilla’s husband was possibly collecting bank as she uses her power to project fear, consequently increasing a demand for vaccines? Is it possible that other government officials are profiting from the suppression of Canadians? If so, how many of them are, and to what degree?

Toronto Caribbean Newspaper hopes to get some answers or comments from mentioned parties to provide insight and an update to the community.

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