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Is Ontario for sale? Sure feels like it is. what do you think?



Photo Credit: TravelScape


Ontario’s Conservative government once mentioned most social and health services were sacrosanct, protected, and they assured the citizens of Ontario that they would do everything possible to make the system better.

Let’s see what has been going on behind closed doors since Doug Ford became Ontario’s Grand Poohbah.

The LCBO is under siege by the very people who manage it. This profitable organization has been re-imagined as an entity owned not by the public, but by some private concern. One way or another the conservatives will get all alcoholic beverages sold at: corner stores, pharmacies, and perhaps down the road from you. The very reason the LCBO existed will be gone and this outstanding organization will be torn apart and sold to various corporate sharks. If you think the prices will drop, or the variety of booze will increase, shake your head. Corporations stock only what is popular, period.

The introduction of various private clinics carrying out specialized services was to decrease pressure placed upon our hospitals and surgical teams. That was what they claimed anyways. I spoke to a nurse at a clinic that specializes in diabetic illness. She works three days at the clinic, the rest of the week at the hospital. She makes much more at the clinic than she gets at the hospital. She’d love a full-time schedule at the clinic. Doctors do the same thing as the nurses, but they own part of the clinic. Doug Ford loves entrepreneurs. Privatized hospitals and healthcare will surely be on its way soon. If the Ford conservatives win another majority come the next election it is a certainty.

Placements of housing starts and the road we drive on continues to expand in an unruly fashion. In order to initiate housing starts it seems most regulations have been dropped or shoved aside for now. So much for better management of our government procurement, services and protecting the environment.

Is Ontario for sale? Sure feels like it is. What do you think?

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