Community News

It is projected that opioid and other illicit narcotics use will take an increasing number of people from us



Photo Credit: Odonata Wellnesscen


Is this not a beautiful and wondrous world? I know our lives can be difficult at times, perhaps even difficult to endure. There is within humanity a need to sometimes escape our lives and daily routines, to leave an existence that can be unbearable. So, we look for avenues of escape, places that allow us to breath freely, and experience what we may truly wish to do and be. Escape can be exciting and rewarding.

We can go on a vacation (if only), do things out of our routines, eat, drink and read something totally out of the ordinary. Sometimes we enter into the gambler’s world of drugs. It is a gamble you will take finding, consuming and experiencing safe narcotics. I am not talking about booze intake, unless you are the 15% of North Americans that consume illegal hooch. Legal alcohol is relatively safe so long as you control your consumption. What about weed, pills, something up the nose perhaps?

Now we have a statistical problem to deal with. 68% of illegal drugs are not what they seem. Sure, their pure chemicals are formulated and made using all sorts of toxic stuff like benzine and then those who make these drugs add a product to give the drugs a kick: Fentanyl, or perhaps Oxycontin. Now that is a spice that will not only give the user that wondrous kick, but it may take you on a trip down under, six feet down under.

Paramedics in British Columbia responded to 1,380 overdose calls in Abbotsford in 2021 (one city), which was a 46% increase from 2020. Vancouver had 9,993 overdoses last year. Deaths from overdoses in B.C. rose 34% in 2021.

In Ontario opioid deaths and emergency department visits continue to increase. 435 people died from opioid overdose between January and March of this year, a 40% increase from the same period in 2018. 3,420 emergency department visits due to overdoses from April to June of last year. These statistics are from Public Health Ontario, and with these comes a cry for help.

Opioids killed as many as 14,000 Canadians in four years. Over 17,000 Canadians have been hospitalized due to opioid overdoses in the last four years. Most deaths happen because Canada’s illegal drug supply is contaminated with toxic materials. Synthetic opioids continue to be a major cause of hospitalization and deaths. Thousands of North Americans continue to have non-fatal overdoses while hundreds of thousands of your neighbours are affected by substance abuse.

Our governments continue working together on societal changes including de-stigmatizing substance abuse, strengthening harm reduction measures, while reducing barriers to treatment. Did you know that 94% of opioid deaths in Canada in the first six months of 2021 were accidental? So, there is something you can do to help yourself, your family and community.

  • All aged medication needs to be returned to a pharmacy immediately
  • All medication and personal use drugs must be locked up to protect your kids
  • If you are going through mental anguish, financial problems, or are addicted GET HELP
  • If you must buy weed do so from legal and bonded agencies (illegal weed have been known to be contaminated)

Do you feel depressed, lost and seeking relief? Call someone, talk to someone. Family members and friends, open your eyes to the visual and personality marks that someone you care for needs assistance. You all live on the internet and phones so Google away and inform yourselves immediately.

It is projected that opioid and other illicit narcotics use will take an increasing number of people from us. Does that not frighten you? What are you going to do about it?

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