Community News

It’s time for Ontarians to #TakeTheMic




There is something that needs to be made very clear; the people do not serve the government; the government must serve the people. When the people speak, elected officials must listen. This is the whole purpose of elections.

During election time, electoral candidates are focused on listening to prospective voters. When the candidates are elected and in office, they should not stop listening. Times change. Opinions change, and most definitely public sentiment changes. Once the elected candidate is in office, sometimes it can be much harder to get through to them – to weigh in on policy decisions that are being made behind closed doors.

For far too long, the federal government has turned a blind eye to the wishes of its people, but I ask you, have you spoken up? I don’t mean in the barbershop, or at home after hearing about new laws and policies that are being rolled out. Another question is have you been given the opportunity to?

The Ontario Liberal Party is taking the first big step to develop their 2022 platform: we are listening to Ontarians. They are in the market for good ideas, and they want to hear from as many people as possible about what they want for the future of the province.

Over a six-week period, the Ontario Liberal Party will be asking people to vote on ideas, provide feedback and give them their best ideas in areas that we know matter in all of their lives. The platform was launched on February 21st, 2021, and runs through to April 6th, 2021.

Through this virtual portal (, Ontarians can contribute, prioritize and engage with ideas and topics that are presented. Each week, for five weeks, they will release two policy topics – for a total of ten policy topics. The Liberal Party is hoping that six weeks will be enough time for Ontarians to have their say.

I had the opportunity to speak with MPP Mitzie Hunter, a visionary and fearless leader with strong community roots. She is working alongside MPP Michael Coteau, and Kate Graham to secure the trust of Ontario voters and set a plan for the future of the province.

“The Ontario Liberal Party is inviting Ontarians to join us for several conversations about the issues that matter to you,” Mitzie began. “We’re in the market for good ideas, and we want to hear about your visions for the future of Ontario.

We will be releasing two policy topics each week, for five weeks.  As new topics are introduced, previous conversations will remain open, so everyone will have a chance to #TakeTheMic.”

“How can the community participate Mitzie?” I asked.

“For each topic, we offer several ideas to start the conversation, and then people can indicate support for ideas by ranking their importance from 1 (totally opposed) to 7 (totally supported).      

Participants can comment on the ideas presented, either publicly or privately, and can respond to other people’s comments.  There is also space to make suggestions, or comment on other people’s ideas.

 Long-term care was a huge topic, especially the question of culturally specific care and how it affects the black community. We have an important role to play in many of these sectors.”

Can anyone participate?” I queried.

“All we ask is that participants provide basic information, such as their email address and the riding where they live.  I want to engage young people; give them an opportunity to tell the party what they want to see in the future. We are open to new bold and creative ideas. We want to know how we can do things differently. All ideas submitted will be voted upon.”

“What are your aspirations with this campaign Mitzie?”

“At the end of the survey period, we hope to have contributions from thousands of people from across Ontario. This idea and feedback process will feed into the development of the 2022 platform. We are so excited to finally be launching the first phase of the policy consultations and we hope you will share your ideas for a stronger, healthier, prosperous Ontario.”

“We are listening. We are listening to Ontarians.”

You heard it here community; it’s time for Ontarians to #TakeTheMic. Visit the portal at

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