Community News

Journalism today: Bad news seems to always be the lead




The lead in media: the hook, the premier subject that will attract the readers/listeners attention. Local Toronto news has as its lead multiple shootings within Toronto communities. Stay tuned…

Mass shootings in most states of the United States. Stay tuned…. The Israeli siege in Gaza and the Russo-Ukrainian conflict continue. News at eleven….

The right wing (MAGA) begins to turn on Donald Trump. News at eleven… Climate change brings weather mishaps everywhere. Look out the window if you dare…

Sad, terrifying, and fear mongering news capture our airways and TV screens each day. Happier news, constructive and humanizing show up near the end of most broadcasts. Only local news concentrates upon the good we all can experience each day. It is difficult enough for us to bear witness to horrible things happening to others, things that may well incite fear and fatalism within us all.

News cast pronounces “Gun fire heard in the night” causing pain to appear in our chests as we consider whether our families are safe in our neighbourhoods.  Mental health services cannot keep up with the public demand for assistance as our fellow citizens consider moving to the countryside away from urban blight. Unfortunately, this form of domestic terrorism and crime is found in small towns in North America too. There simply is no place to run away. We face the inevitable conclusion that we need to arm ourselves and protect our: castles, our homes, and family too.

It is the media’s obligation to help soothe the minds of its readers, help them walk through their day in some form of tranquility. Perhaps we need to concentrate on local news only, forgetting about the global pandemic of war, poverty and strife. Then we can center our attention on domestic news about what is going to threaten us in our community.  I now know why there are local TV channels where one watches a sunset all day, the weather, or a peaceful fireplace fire. Tranquility, and peaceful days are becoming more difficult to find, and dealing with this causes fear and anguish. My brother needed to rest his mind often, so he watched cartoons for an hour or so. Now I understand.

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