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“Just because it’s free doesn’t mean that it is good.” Dr Joel Wallach shares thoughts on the Canadian Healthcare System




Many folks swear by the doctor and visit at every chance they get, even for the least of ailments right down to the common cold.

Doctors do have their place in our world, after all, they are the mechanics of the human body, but if one were to liken the human body unto a car, then most times it is the owner that’s the first one to realize that there is a problem.

At times, getting to the cause of the problem is what can be frustrating, especially when one finds out that what was thought to be the problem just was not the case at all.

Pathologist and animal physician Dr. Joel Wallach points this out in his YouTube video, where he uses the Skimos as the perfect example. Wallach said, “Everybody knows the cholesterol myth; the Skimos – who live above the arctic circle – have a legendary diet that is 98% red meat and blubber, they don’t consume broccoli or carrot juice and their blood cholesterol ranges from 250 to 350, yet they are legendary for not getting heart disease.”

If and when these Skimos come down to the lower 48 and start eating like westerners, that is when all hell breaks loose health-wise with them. Wallach who does autopsies concluded that, “Every animal and every human being that dies of natural causes dies of a nutritional deficiency disease.

It is somewhat of an irony that the meat eaters in the animal kingdom don’t die of clogged arteries, but the ones who eat vegetables and grains do,” Wallach pointed out.

Alzheimer’s only became recognized as a new disease in 1979, but has since then wreaked havoc on North America, making it the number four killer of adults over 65. According to Dr. Wallach, 75% of the brainwave is a fatty insulation material called myelin, and this part is almost 100% cholesterol.

Now, humans only make around 10%, and the rest must come from their food, so according to the doctor, “If you are very good at giving up red-meat, butter, eggs, and chicken skin you going to be one of those people who are highly likely to get Alzheimer’s. The experts are predicting between now and 2025, 14 million Americans will die of this disease.”

According to Dr. Wallach there are those in the medical profession who are not interested in patients getting better. They have become very interested in the hundreds of thousands of dollars they can get from you in medical fees and medication over the course of a number of years.

This means that people have to be savvy when seeking treatment especially for things that there are alternative treatments for. He pointed out that diabetes is one such ailment that can be cured easily, but again that route does not bring the physicians and pharmacist any meaningful money if they do.

“Americans spend more money on health care than all the other nations combined yet they are not the healthiest,” Wallach said.

Wallach said that some doctors belong in jail considering the things they do, but there is no oversight and they actually police themselves.

This Doctor mentions Canada in his speech as well saying, “I go to Canada a lot. They get free medical care, yet they invite me. Just because it’s free doesn’t mean that it is good.”

He also spoke of the late Country singer Rita MacNeil’s death. According to him, it was due to negligence. “All this,” he said, “could have been avoided if the singer had done some research. She would have found out that the hospital in Cape Breton – where she had the procedure done – it had a 37% death rate.

The message here is that doctors make mistakes, some are negligent and patients die, but in the end, one must try and look after his or her self as best they can. Remember everyone is the CEO of his or her life. It is that simple.

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