Community News

Manipulating the message, distorting the truth



Photo by Matheus Bertelli


Ever seen a celebrity caught in a crisis situation they may have caused themselves, both personal, and or financial? We can consider some of the most horrible celebrities to date such as: Rick James, Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey and others that use their fame and wealth to take advantage of others, often others who are subordinate to them.

What is the usual response once these coyotes are accused and caught, possibly prosecuted? Most accusations are based upon a “He said-she said,” scenario.

Once caught the accused will lash out at their accusers. Then they will declare themselves the victim, not the predator. They claim to be falsely accused, victims of a conspiracy. As a self-declared victim, the predator then claims the accusers are indeed the offenders, not them. Demanding the authorities investigate the accusers, not them. These predators have often emerged triumphant, appearing to be martyrs, truth tellers that have unmasked the real villains out there.

What will a politician do if they are accused of some offense, some wrongdoing, or an action contrary to the law such as: receiving a D.U.I., caught having affairs, stealing public funds, and such? Why would they call a news conference, state how the accusations are false, untrue or simply grovel, saying if they are guilty by chance, they are so sorry for their sins, but don’t all people have skeletons in their closet?

These individuals know just how easy it is to get the public’s forgiveness, and an opening to a second chance. Lies of the accused, become the lies of the accusers. They claim all evidence proving their culpability are false, misguided untruths fabricated by someone out to get them. Fake News!

In North America many politicians’ legal fees are covered by the public dime. Trump’s accusation that he won the past election, and it was stolen from him demanding recounts, along with the investigation into his wrong doing on January 6th, has cost the American public over $519 million in investigative procedures and legal wrangling.

When a celebrity lies it costs all of us. It is an assault upon democracy, the very social fabric on which we stand. Lies are cyclical and very contagious as well. Someone lies, and the lie is believed by many, and told to others by these true believers, spreading like COVID-19. Lies make the truth less acceptable, less powerful. Lies manipulate the thoughts and ideals of those who hear them. Lies have the power to remain within your subconscious, gathering power over you. Did they lie or not? The questions that this lie creates within you can invade and distort your very thoughts.

Lies are acceptable to those with a low I.Q., how else can they spread like wildfire in America. A Northwestern University Study has shown American I.Q.’s have remained high up until 1990, when a significant decline has been seen. Scores in verbal reasoning, matrix reasoning and letter number reasoning all declined, while spatial reasoning remained high. Americans believe and think they understand what they see, drawing conclusions with limited data. Seeing is believing. Americans believe what they see on their digital devices, television and those people in front of them espousing whatever propaganda or guided/massaged information they wish to present.

The Donald Trumps of this world know how to tug at your emotions, hearts and pocketbooks all at the same time. In Canada we have just such a person, Pierre Poilievre of the Conservative Party doing the same, electioneering upon this adage…”Anyone but Trudeau” (his opponent). Political Planks thought out plans are seemingly unimportant. What is essential is to demonize the opposition, promise much, and acquire power in the long run.

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