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“Menstruating People” and “Birthing People” What is going on Here? Maxime Bernier makes policy announcement on radical gender ideology



Photo Credit: Alexander Grey


They consistently present only their perspective, or viewpoint while ignoring or dismissing opposing opinions.

The use of emotional appeals, provocative language, or personal attacks to sway opinions and avoid rational discussion fully knowing that this tactic can distract from the actual topic at hand and manipulate people’s emotions.

When you take a moment to look at the messaging coming from our government over the last few years, it suspiciously looks like there is somewhat of an agenda being pushed.

It’s important to note that having an agenda or advocating for a cause doesn’t necessarily imply malicious intent, but more and more the community has begun to speak out against a movement that they are not particularly comfortable with

Another individual who has been speaking out is Maxime Bernier.

He has spoken out against Bill C-4, which was unanimously adopted by all parties in the House of Commons in 2021, which criminalizes parents and therapists who try to help minors with gender dysphoria accept who they are. In effect, the law bans “conversion therapy” in one direction but allows it in the other. It is illegal to treat children for a mental disorder, but it is legal to encourage them to undergo “gender affirming therapy” and mutilate their bodies.

There has been this shift in narrative that encourages young people to make major changes to their bodies. Taking puberty blockers at a young age will transform their body and sterilize them for life, when they are too young to evaluate the impact of such a momentous decision. Sex change surgeries cause many complications and require lifelong treatments. More and more trans people who underwent such surgeries regret it later in life and want to “detransition”, but it’s tragically too late.

Bernier speaks to the fact that women’s rights and security are being trampled to accommodate men pretending to be the other sex. As a result, women are encountering men in changing rooms and bathrooms. Violent male criminals are being incarcerated in women’s prisons. The transfer to women’s prisons of male inmates who self-identify as women has been standard practice in Canada since it was introduced by the Trudeau government in 2018. It has resulted in male criminals with histories of sexual abuse being housed alongside female inmates, with several cases of violent behavior being reported in the media.

There is a particularly horrific case in British Columbia involving a man, Adam Laboucan, who raped a three-month-old boy when he was 15 years old. He drowned a 3-year-old boy. He became Canada’s youngest violent sex offender when he was sentenced to prison at 17 years old. After he started identifying as a woman and changed his name to Tara Desousa, he was transferred to the Fraser Valley Institution for Women in Abbotsford. This is a minimum-security prison with a Mother-Child Program.

It’s unbelievable that this can happen in our society today. Instead of protecting our most vulnerable, Justin Trudeau’s government puts women and children at risk, while accommodating violent rapists who seemingly pretend to be the other sex.

I just learned this, and when I heard it I had to shake my head. Gender ideology is even transforming our language. Bill C-16, adopted by the Liberal government in 2016 and famously opposed by Jordan Peterson, recognized gender self-identification and opened the door to compelled speech. Since then, businesses and government agencies have banned the use of words like “woman” and “mother” in favor of “menstruating people,” and “birthing people.”

Bernier had this to say,

“The normalization of radical gender ideology will have a catastrophic impact on women and children if we do not reverse course soon. The People’s Party is the only party taking this issue seriously. None of the establishment parties, including the fake Conservatives, have anything to say about it. On the contrary, they support these disastrous policies and trends.”

It is completely unacceptable that not a single elected MP is brave enough to stand up for women and children, and basic biological realities! I have been speaking out against this madness for many years already, and I will continue to speak out against it in Parliament once I am elected MP for Portage-Lisgar.”

Bernier states that a PPC government will modify the Criminal Code to outlaw the use of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and any form of bodily mutilation on minors with the goal of “transitioning” to another sex. He also includes that any person encouraging minors to “transition” will be held criminally responsible for attempting to cause harm.

He states that a PPC government will remove the ban imposed by Bill C-4, the so-called “conversion therapy bill”, that is preventing parents and counsellors from helping minors who suffer from gender dysphoria accept their body.

They will strictly enforce section 163.1(1)(b) of the Criminal Code in order to remove inappropriate pornographic content from schools and libraries, and will protect women’s spaces – bathrooms, changing rooms, shelters, and prisons – from intrusion by biological men.

They promise to maintain separate competitions for women in which biological men cannot participate in sports regulated and funded by the federal government and will abolish federal programs that fund sex change operations for civil servants and prisoners.

Finally, a PPC government will repeal Bill C-16, the bill that added gender self-identification as ground for protection against discrimination.

Wow! There is so much happening in our society right now that it is hard to keep up. What are your thoughts community? We need to hear you. This is your chance to voice your thoughts, even if it is anonymously. We don’t have to accept what is being fed to us. Time to start standing up for what you believe in.

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