Healthcare globally has been challenged like never before by the current US administration’s policy demands and strict monetary controls. The US is trying to bring its spending into line with the multiple promises made by President Trump during the election, decreeing that America will no longer be the world’s piggy bank and policeman.
An example of how this strong-arming action affects a singular nation is Kenya and its needs for anti-Aids protocol aid. 1.3 million Kenyans are on antiretroviral therapy and over 80% of all: procedures, medication and staffing are financed through US efforts. The United States has also supported about 41,550 Kenyan health workers in this directional health effort. With the funds frozen, or gone, the government must find a way to endure and carry on. NGO’s too have suffered multiple finance denials from the US Federal Government.
“Money for weapons has increased while hospitals reliant upon insurance corporations face challenges that will cost people their lives.”
The Trump administration is trying to clean its books of all unnecessary expenditures that include both domestic and international services. Medicaid is itself under threat of major changes, or simply being cancelled. The Congress is going through a wave of cancel culture that involves just about any service that assists the public, except for the military and scientific community needs. Money for weapons has increased while hospitals reliant upon insurance corporations face challenges that will cost people their lives.
America’s image globally has been challenged as well. Once the global hand that helped those in need, the American administration has become insular, restrictive and narrow minded like never before. Money for guns is fine, but maintaining the lives of millions of Africans, not so much. The New American Movement puts all responsibility for other nations citizens health, and welfare solely onto the feet of their nation’s governments.
Find financing and quickly, or many of their citizens will become ill and die. Does the color of their skin have anything to do with it? Is money and power/influence the new focus for American charity? Other nations will endeavour to help, but their pocketbooks are not as deep as America’s used to be.
The New America is becoming cloaked in hidden agendas, self-righteous purpose and centering itself upon their new God: Money, Money, Money. The American President will use the services and medicines needed as bargaining chips in a global powerplay.