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mRNA gene therapy poisoning in our food: Who is responsible and what to do about it



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 “I’ve got documents from the NIH from 2002 talking about integrating vaccines into foods,” announced attorney Tom Renz. “They’ve been working on integrating these [gene therapies] into our food supply. They’ve been working on it for at least two decades,” he stated in an eye-opening interview with Dr. Naomi Wolf.

It has now been established that the plan is to get everyone injected, and how they achieve this is irrelevant. This means if you are an anti-vaxxer they plan to go after your food supply.

How are they going to accomplish this? You may ask, let us find out.

“Unless you want to argue with Moderna and Pfizer themselves, the COVID injection is gene- therapy,” attorney Tom Renz revealed.

Renz told a story of helping draft a disclosure and transparency Bill in the state of Missouri. Bill -1169 was supposed to have Big Pharma companies come clean about the content of their product, but instead, Big Pharma went to buy off the: beef, pork, corn growers, soya bean growers, and egg production people one by one.

All this was done when the enemies of the state realized that they could not get around this bill. It’s important to note that the two largest holders of eggs in this country are Bill Gates and the CCP (aka the Chinese Communist Party). “Bill –1169 is the most hotly contested Bill,” said Renz.

Attorney Tom Renz says, “To be clear – at this point, zero states are requiring informed consent for ‘vaccine food.’ While I would argue that it must be done under existing law, I absolutely do not believe that will happen.”

Dr. Naomi Wolf said it best, “Buy up the farmlands, leave people unable to grow their own food, raise their own cattle, and then you have to eat the Frankenfood that has been contaminated by Bill Gates and China, it is horrific.”

The mRNA poisoning of the food supply is not a one-state or country thing.

Even though Missouri could be the first to roll them out, many states are moving to allow mRNA injections into cattle for various reasons. One does not have to be an “anti-vaxxer” to appreciate the risks inherent in introducing experimental drugs into the food supply.

Amid protests, however, the new mRNA jabs for cattle may be introduced into some herds this month. According to radio host Hal Turner, “The food supply of every American is going to start being intentionally poisoned with mRNA genetic modifications being fraudulently called ‘vaccines.’

This tampering with the food supply is not just by mRNA injections. The climate change lobby has prompted Great Britain to act against beef cattle with ‘methane suppressants’ in an effort to fundamentally change the digestive systems of these cows, the reason being, cows are passing too much poisonous gasses. You just can’t make this up.

For anyone who believes governments these days, it is said that methane is released into the air whenever cows belch or fart, and is one of the most dangerous greenhouse gasses, bad for global warming and “globalist” as well.

Imagine cow farts are now warming the planet 25 times faster than carbon dioxide.

Poison foods are not so new; this has been a long time coming. “Edible Vaccines” is an article published over two decades ago that speaks on how one can get children to take their medication by injecting it into their snacks like bananas, apples, etc.

In conclusion, the solution is not an easy one, but we must do our homework in knowing where our food is coming from, try growing it, if possible, form communities with small farmers we know and trust, and do our best to expose these evil cults that are trying to wipe us out.

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