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A Better Tomorrow

Nature or Nurture; What has shaped you; your environment or your genetics?




The argument of nature vs nurture has always been one of those topics studied, and re-studied because of the vast amount of new research that has been done concerning this highly discussed topic. Most recently, a parental bias has been introduced that states that parents are compelled to reproduce to ensure that they pass on their genetic line to the future; it is seen as a biological investment, which is why the child’s outcome is usually a reflection of their genetics (Friedman, 2014). Kim Evans, Chen Miller, and Seeman (2018) introduced the idea of understanding interactions between multilevel and multidimensional neurobiological and environmental systems and how we can use this understanding to reduce the impact of nurture issues, namely Socioeconomic Disadvantage and its impact. Studies have shown that on average, people’s personalities are about half determined by their genetics, and the other half their environment (Friedman, 2014). It is even more important to note that the half that is determined by the environment usually has nothing to do with the parents.

When looking at a particular person, research focused on all characteristics points to a blend of inheritance and experience (Papalia & Martorella, 2015). One must consider both the inherited characteristics that give each person a start in life, as well as the environmental factors including family, neighborhood, socioeconomic status, race/ethnicity, and culture (Papalia & Martorella, 2015). One aspect of development that is considered is intelligence. Although intelligence is strongly influenced by heredity, it has also been found that education, peer influence, and other variables can have just as much of an influence on intelligence across the lifespan as heredity. To truly understand development, it is important to consider the interactions that are occurring between heredity and the environment. As researchers, it is crucial to gain insight on which developments are primarily maturational and which are not. More longitudinal research must be considered when examining influences that affect many or most people at a certain age or a certain time in history and compare it to those that affect only certain individuals. It is imperative that researchers recognize the importance of timing and how it can accentuate the impact of certain influences (Papalia & Martorella, 2015). Making sense of the interaction between environment and heredity allows researchers to see how the home environment does have a marked effect in childhood, but also takes into consideration the individual qualities that can make a greater difference.

Two models that help explain the interaction between genetics and environment which is beneficial to the nature/nurture discussion. One example of a biological embedded model is the Fetal Origins Theory which states that during the critical prenatal period, a pregnant woman’s exposure to extreme physical or psychological stress can lead to a long-lasting change in the development of her child’s brain as well as the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and sympathetic nervous system (Barker as cited in Kim et al.2017). These changes can increase the child’s risk for physical illnesses like diabetes and cardiovascular disease, or psychological illnesses like schizophrenia that can exist across the lifespan. A second model places its focus on the duration and accumulation of SED exposure and examines the continuous and dynamic changes that occur between an individual and their environment and how they influence each other (Kuh and Ben-Shlomo as cited in Kim et al. 2017).

This topic remains popular, and there are still many questions that need to be answered. If you are interested in this research topic, feel free to contact me and I have included references for you to check out. Have a fantastic week my fellow humans.

Reference: Friedman, N. (2014, July 1). Parents Just Don’t Understand. Psychology Today. Retrieved from Kim, P., Evans, G. W., Chen, E., Miller, G., & Seeman, T. (2018). How socioeconomic disadvantages get under the skin and into the brain to influence health development across the lifespan. In Handbook of Life Course Health Development (pp. 463-497). Springer, Cham. Papalia, D.E., & Martorella, G. (2015). Experience Human Development, 13th Edition. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

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A Better Tomorrow

A personal search for meaning; a perspective on pain and pain expressed



Photo Credit: Arina Krasnikova


Every now and then, I segway to give my readers perspective on the reason why I have been writing this story for over two years in the Toronto Caribbean Newspaper.

For those who don’t know, the title of my column is called, “A Better Tomorrow.” I initially started to write this as a medium of inspiration; I wanted readers to know that even in the darkest of times, there is always a way to make tomorrow better.

I don’t know how many of you are familiar with the book, “Man’s Search for Meaning.” Psychiatrist and Neurologist Viktor Frankl (1905-1997) wrote about his ordeal as a concentration camp inmate during the Second World War. What he observed was that those who survived longest in concentration camps were not those who were physically strong, but those who retained a sense of control over their environment.

I bring this incredibly poignant novel up, because for many of us, the last few years also allowed us to observe the intricacies of societal behaviour. It was rough for us: families being separated, lockdowns, and businesses closing down. Of course then there were the countless deaths of loved ones, fear of sickness, mainstream media and governmental forces propagating messages of despair that kept us all in our heads, and out of our hearts.

What Panama did was prepare me for this pandemic. I know what it feels like to feel helpless, afraid, unsure of what the next day will bring. The pandemic was on a macro scale, but this experience became macro for me.

All throughout this, all I could do was hope for, “A Better Tomorrow.” I turned my pain into words, and shared these words with all of you. I also learned that all of us have ways that we share our pain with the world. It is not always an artistic beautiful expression; sometimes it comes out as anger, rage, abuse; all human beings, to some degree or another, develop ways of dealing with pain very early on. It is an innate capacity we utilize to adapt and survive this world. It is how we protect our psyche, and our emotions.

Our nature is very similar to plants; we shape ourselves and adapt to our environment. Those that adapt to their environment survive; they twist, torque, and reach in order to get the sunlight and nutrients needed. This can be difficult if you are a plant amongst weeds: there is so much more reaching that you have to do, and it is tiring. It takes something special to move you forward; something that reminds you that what you want in life is not impossible to get.

This is why I share my story. I do it to let readers into my world; have them experience my pain with me, and work with me through my recovery. We all have difficult circumstances in life, and there are those times where giving up is easy. I want you to take a second right now and think about one of your experiences that seemed impossible to overcome, but somehow you did it.

Think about how you felt once you had dealt with the rawness of the situation.

As you are thinking about your experience, I want you to think about how it is making you feel having to think about it.

It is all perspective; regardless of what has happened to you, placing it into perspective is very important. We have to find a way to navigate the noise, see past your current situation, create ways to deal with your pain.

I have learned that sharing my story has helped others open up about their experiences, speak through their trauma and come to terms with it.

I hope you take the time to answer some of the questions I presented earlier, but now, back to the story….

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A Better Tomorrow

For the first time in a long time I felt seen; The story behind M



Photo by Pixabay - Ink_Lee0


I sat in the steam room and reflected on my meeting with M. “He is so damn short,” I said to myself. He was no more than 5’2, tiny, but he did have a nice body. There was no way that I would ever get involved with someone who was 5’2. I shook my head. This was not the point; I was here because he said that he wanted to work with me, not date me. I had to keep my head on straight, but the way he looked at me, spoke to me.

I snapped out of my thoughts and went to take a shower. After getting dressed I joined M outside. He was waiting by the door on his phone. When he saw me, this scintillating smile flashed on his face.

“Hey Sim! I thought you might be a little hungry after our workout. Let’s go grab something to eat up the street. We can talk about the work that I would like for you to do.”

I was hesitant, but I thought to myself, what is the harm? I was hungry, and if he was buying, I would let him.

“Sure why not! You owe me after nearly killing me out there.”

M laughed and took my bag from me. “Let’s go Sim!”

He waved at the staff and we headed out.

We found a restaurant up the street, not too far from the gym. After we had been seated, the discussions just happened. We talked about everything. Family, where he was born, children. We had a lot in common, especially our love for Detroit. He had been born and raised there, and I had lived in Windsor on and off for 10 years. Some of my fondest memories were those years in Windsor, going to Detroit, working in Detroit, learning in Detroit.

Before I knew it, we had been talking for about three hours. I was four beers in and stuffed from my fish and chips. I looked at the time.

“What are your plans for tomorrow Sim,” M asked?

“Well, I am on my grind right now. I have had a rough few months, and I am trying to get my footing back. This is why we are here; you shared that you want me to help you with your work?”

“Well before we go there,” M replied, “Tell me what has been going on lately?”

I looked down and fought back tears. I wasn’t ready to speak on my recent calamities.

“Sim, it’s okay. Trust me! I have gone through a lot the last few years, and I know what it is like to shut down. Talk to me; sometimes you just have to get it out.”

His invitation to share moved me; I looked up at him and he was sitting there, looking at me. His calmness opened me like a flower, and I started to speak. I told him everything about Panama, my relationship with D, how badly things had been going in my relationship. Once the floodgates were open I couldn’t stop talking. After another hour I finally relented. I sat there quietly, mentally kicking myself for over-sharing.

“Sim,” M said after a few moments of silence. “We are more alike than you think. You see, there is a reason why I reached out to you. You are a beautiful soul, and it is hard to find people to relate to.”

M then started to share his story with me. He also had been in prison, and charged for the same things that I had been accused of. I listened keenly as he told me the experience, soaking up the fact that someone else got me, and understood what I had been going through. The shame. The need to hate myself for what I had done, the pain I had caused my parents, finally someone innerstood me.

We talked until the restaurant closed. It had to be one of the most impactful nights for me since I had gotten out of Panama. I felt seen.

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A Better Tomorrow

Things were about to get interesting, and not in a good way; The story behind M



Photo by LOGAN WEAVER | @LGNWVR on Unsplash


I will never forget the first time that I met M. He had asked me to meet him at a gym that he was training at down in the North York area. I remember being excited getting ready to go down there. I wasn’t sure why, but when I looked at the picture on LinkedIn, I was quickly made aware.

That skin…

Those lips…

Famous last words; shake my head.

When I arrived at the gym, I parked the car, and gave him a call as he had instructed.

“I’m here!”

“Amazing! I am coming out to get you. Are you dressed to work out?”

It wasn’t until right then that I realized that he had an accent. Was he American? Something about the slight twang in his voice made me nostalgic.

“I am dressed. I am coming in. Do I have to say anything to the person at the front desk?”

“Nah! I am coming out to get you.”

I turned off the car and grabbed my gym bag. Naturally, I had put on my tightest pair of tights, and one of my favourite crop tops. Not exactly a workout outfit, but I had no problem getting sweaty in this.

I made my way towards the door, opened it up, and stepped inside.

The gym was buzzing with noise; weights clanging, music playing, people chatting loudly. I looked around for M, but didn’t see him.

“Hey Simone!”

I turned around and standing in front of me was that handsome face, the beautiful skin, and those big, beautiful lips, on the shortest man I had ever seen. I tried not to make a face, but I don’t know if I held my surprise. The picture on LinkedIn must have been taken from a low angle, because he did not look short in the picture. He could not be more than 4’2. He actually was 4’2. Imagine how it looked with me standing in front of him at 5’9.

“Hey Simone!”

I realized that I had not responded.

“Hello M. Nice to meet you.” I couldn’t stop staring at the top of his head.

“You ready for a workout. I want to show you what I can do for you, and maybe you can help me. You are here to help aren’t you,” he said with a smirk?

I had to laugh. “Direct me to the change room, and I will be right out to help you help me.”

“Head to the back of the gym. The women’s locker room is on the left-hand side. I will be waiting for you.”

I made my way back smiling to myself. What was this little man going to show me? I was pretty athletic and had been working out for a few years. As I changed my clothes, I reflected on the fact that I had assumed he was tall. That was my own fault. I couldn’t blame him for his height. Plus, this was business. Nothing else. I looked in the mirror; “Alright Simone. Let’s do this.”


The workout with M nearly killed me. He showed me a few simple things, and honestly it nearly killed me. After 45 minutes he had me sweating and on the floor.

“Wow M! That was amazing. I was here thinking that I was in shape. You definitely showed me,” I said laughing.

“Hey, don’t let my size fool you. I have made bigger men than you cry after working out with me. Go ahead and shower up. Let’s grab something to eat. Put some fuel in your body.”

“Nothing would be better.” M helped me off the floor and I headed back into the change room to get ready.

Well, that was certainly interesting. He had completely caught me off guard. That would not be the first or last time M did that.

Things were about to get interesting, and not in a good way…

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