“And he causeth all, both small and great rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding, count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man, and his number is, six hundred threescore and six.“
I know by now many of you are wondering where this is going, but sit tight, I promise I’ll take you there and on time too.
Supermarkets in Brazil have already teamed up with Mastercard to implement a very subtle but deadly form of payment called a biometric payment plan.
This form of payment does not come from your wallet in the form of cash or credit card, instead you are paying with an account that is attached to your God-given DNA.
Here is how this elaborate plan works if you are interested, but bear in mind that such a manner of payment fits perfectly into an Orwellian surveillance society.
Users will check out goods at the cashier and then scan their face or palm to authenticate a payment. Their biometric information will then be cross checked to a bank account stored on file, automatically deducting the purchase amount once the transaction is accepted.
“No more fumbling for your phone or hunting for your wallet when you have your hands full. The trusted technology that uses your face or fingerprint to unlock your phone can now be used to help consumers speed through the checkout,” claimed a representative.
I am guessing by now the biblical picture is becoming clearer by the second, but as I said earlier in this article stay with me.
The biometric payment program was piloted in five branches of the St. Marche supermarket chain, all in the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo.
Mastercard collaborated with local Brazilian start-up Payface to make the system a reality. The New York-based financial services firm hinted that more trials in Asia and the Middle East are planned, with an eye on a global rollout later this year.
Mastercard Cyber and Intelligence Solutions President Ajay Bhalla said: “Our goal with the new program is to make shopping a great experience for consumers and merchants alike, providing the best of both security and convenience. The way we pay needs to keep pace with the way we live, work and do business, offering choice to consumers with the highest levels of security.”
Even though some might view this method as extremely convenient, it is important to note that biometrics is not without its downsides. Let’s look at a few of them now.
According to a well-known news source, “All the digital ID and data-gathering systems are vulnerable to security breaches. The potential for cyber breaches, hacks in the future could [be] even larger and put entire systems at risk.” It also cited the 2017 Equifax breach, where the personal data of more than 150 million people in three countries was compromised.
Lawyer Suzie Miles also warned of additional risks that come with using biometrics as a payment system.
“Mastercard itself has recognized the data and security concerns that come with the use of biometrics. You can change your password, but not your fingerprint nor your smile.”
The architects behind this cashless society might just want to think twice.
For concerned readers of this article, the only way to stop the implementation of this Draconian system is to always pay in cash.