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No to Vaccines – History will show us that the vaccination agenda has lingered for many years




“Gates is well intended, just like scientists who brought smallpox to India were well intended.” Robert Kennedy Jr.

“Bill Gates’ coronavirus vaccine could be ready in 12 months.” BNN Bloomberg

“Coronavirus: Bill Gates says 7 billion people will need COVID-19 vaccine and it will take 18 months.” ASTV

“Bill Gates gives Stephen Colbert a realistic Coronavirus vaccine timeline” Vanity Fair

For some, these headlines are not a surprise, if anything they were expected. Philanthropist and founder of Microsoft Corp Bill Gates, with a donation exceeding US$40 Billion, will be focusing his attention to the pandemic, and this attention will be on the creation of a Coronavirus vaccine.

According to Jonathan Kennedy (2019), vaccines are widely agreed to be one of the greatest achievements of the scientific age. It has been put as number eight in a list of the “Greatest breakthroughs since the wheel.” An article by the US librarian of Congress published in National Geographic placed vaccines as the 5th out of 10 inventions that has changed the world.

Of course, with any pinnacle advancement will come those who think that we as consumers should take a deeper look at what is being sold to us via mass media.

One of these people is Robert Kennedy Jr. who was interviewed by Patrick Bet-David in a controversial video called “Robert Kennedy Jr. Destroys Big Pharma, Fauci & Pro-Vaccine Movement.” In just two days of being debuted, the video passed half a million views.

Now before you read any further, I would suggest that you take the time to watch this video in the link located at the very end of this article. Like the David Icke video, in a recent edition of the Toronto Caribbean Newspaper, I advised readers to take the time to do their research on this topic. This week, I am going to present some key points to our community, and it is your responsibility to research before you react. Once you finish watching the video, this article and its contents will make a lot more sense. All right! Let’s get started.

“If you ask the Democratic Party what the most corrupt industry is, they will say that no one has the influence like the pharmaceutical companies. There are more pharmaceutical lobbyists then any congressmen/women, senators or supreme court judges.”

This is one of many bold statements that Robert makes during his interview. It is statements like this that have gotten this video pulled down and reposted across several sites on the Internet. Interviews with theorists like Judy Mikovits, and Rashid Buttar have been challenged and deleted for violating YouTube’s medical information policies. Before some of these videos are deleted, they garner millions of views, and one could begin to question; why is it that when someone speaks against the larger agenda being pushed by mass media, they are instantly being silenced?

Right now, the most prominent agenda is this idea of a Coronavirus vaccine, which is being pushed strongly by large pharmaceutical companies. This is not the first time. History will show us that the vaccination agenda has lingered for many years.

In 1853, The Vaccination Act ordered mandatory vaccination for infants up to three months old, and the Act of 1867 extended this age requirement to fourteen years, adding penalties for vaccine refusal. People were resistant, and the Anti-Compulsory Vaccination League formed in response to the mandatory laws, and numerous anti-vaccination journals sprang up (The History of Vaccines; and Educational Resource by the College of Physicians of Philadelphia).

In 1879, The Anti Vaccination Society of America was founded, following a visit to America by leading British anti-vaccinations William Tebb. This seemed to give way to a freedom of expression because in 1882, the New England Anti- Compulsory Vaccination League was founded, which was closely followed in 1885, with the creation of the Anti-Vaccination League of New York City.

Naturally, there were people who were not impressed with the anti-vaccine movement and they spoke against it strongly. Sir William Osler got so fed up with the “anti-vaxxers” of 1910 that he dared them to expose themselves to smallpox and promised to personally pay for the resulting funeral expenses. He did not get any takers. (Missouri Medicine, May/June 2018).

Why has there been such a backlash against not only vaccines, but also pharmaceutical companies? Let us take a look at some of the scandals that have been connected to Big Pharma. Over the past two decades, we’ve seen scores of pharma and biotech companies hauled into court for a variety of serious, and in some cases deadly, infractions:

Shorting supplies of cancer drugs in order to raise prices (Aspen Pharmacare)

“Giving” a drug to a Native American tribes solely to protect its patents (Allergan)

Failure to warn about serious drug risks on product labels (Roche’s Actemra)

Bungling a clinical trial that led to one death and multiple illnesses (Bial/Biotrail)

Bribing health officials in China (GlaxoSmithKline)

Deceptive business practices in drug marketing (Astellas)

Thimerosal, a mercury-containing compound used as a preservative in vaccines, has been the centre of a vaccination and autism controversy. In July 1999, a leading U.S. public health and medical organizations and vaccine manufacturers agreed that thimerosal should be reduced or eliminated from vaccines as a precautionary measure (The History of Vaccines; and Educational Resource by the College of Physicians of Philadelphia).

In 2001, The Institute of Medicine’s Immunization Safety Review Committee issued a report concluding that there was not enough evidence to prove or disprove that thimerosal in childhood vaccines causes: autism, attention deficit hypersensitivity disorder, or speech or language delay. Today, thimerosal is no longer used in most childhood vaccines, though some forms of influenza vaccine available in multi-dose vials may contain the preservative. (The History of Vaccines; and Educational Resource by the College of Physicians of Philadelphia).

“The 1/3rd leading causes of death in the United States are pharmaceuticals.” Robert Kennedy Jr.

There seems to be some inconsistency between what is being published about vaccines, and what is actually known about vaccines. According to a Public Citizen analysis, the pharmaceutical industry has settled 373 cases between 1991 and 2012, paying $35.7 billion for numerous violations (Stewart Lyman, 2019). In the interview, Robert opens up about a psychologist from Minnesota named Sarah Bridges, who came to his house in 2004 with a pile of scientific documentation. Her child had gotten autism from Vaccines and received a 20-million-dollar reward from Vaccine Court, because they realized that vaccines had caused the autism.

“The biggest issue,” Robert remarks in the interview, “Is the fact that vaccines are never safety tested. Vaccines were originally introduced because Americans wanted to be prepared in case there was a biochemical attack against Americans. In order for it to be considered a medicine, it has to be tested, so to avoid this, they had to come up with another name for it. They are not doing any placebo testing, which presents opportunities for biases. If you are not using placebo testing on these vaccines, then it is just marketing.”

I found his last statement about marketing interesting. In 1996, FDA adopted a new rule. Pharmaceutical companies were not allowed to market drugs on television.  It was changed, and now the US and New Zealand are the only countries in the world who are allowed to market pharmaceuticals. If you do any major searches online about vaccinations or pharmaceuticals, the major searches will direct you away from anything that is against the pharmaceutical industry.

“If you want to get the truth about side affects of vaccines, you can look at their inserts.”

People need to start asking more questions about vaccines. The current environment has set the stage for the implementation of something larger than we can even imagine. It is possible to be intelligent, grounded and still believe that conspiracies are a part of our world. The interview with Robert Kennedy Jr. goes to show that although the time periods have changed, the emotions and deep-rooted beliefs that underlie vaccine opposition have remained relatively consistent. It is up to us as consumers to do our research and do what is best for our families.


Exclusive Interview: Robert Kennedy Jr. Destroys Big Pharma, Fauci & Pro-Vaccine Movement

Merck Manual Professional Version

Missouri Medicine; The Journal of the Missouri State Medical Association

Pharma’s tarnished reputation helps fuel the anti-vaccine movement

The History of Vaccines; and Educational Resource by the College of Physicians of Philadelphia

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