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Not being able to read or write does not define a person’s intelligence or potential



Photo Credit: Somnox Sleep


“I was seen as being too lazy and stupid to learn. I was subjected to beatings and humiliation. I remember being told to stand in front of the class and hold open my exercise book, and the class being encouraged to laugh at me was a regular occurrence. I left school with very little in the way of qualifications, still unable to write my name correctly…”

Reading and writing are fundamental skills that allow us to communicate, access information, and participate in society. For those who cannot read or write, it can be challenging to obtain and retain information, understand instructions, fill out forms, or even communicate effectively with others. This can limit one’s opportunities for education, employment, and personal growth, plus there is a lot of shame that comes with illiteracy that goes unspoken.

The World Literacy Foundation released research on March 28th, 2023, showing the impact of illiteracy in Canada. The findings highlighted the financial cost and social impact brought about due to 16.4% of people in Canada with low level literacy skills. Globally, 770 million people can’t read a single word, and a further two billion people struggle to read a sentence.

The “Economic Cost and Social Impact of Illiteracy” report has revealed the estimated financial cost to the wider economy in Canada is at $27.78 billion USD per year.

World Literacy Foundation Chief Executive Officer and co-author of the report Andrew Kay said reduced income earning capacity and social costs are the main reasons why illiteracy is costing the Canadian economy each year.

“As a community of literacy experts, we face significant challenges as the early data shows a drop in literacy rates post-pandemic,” Mr. Kay shares.

“Literacy can change everything in the life of a young person and provide a pathway to reach their full potential.”

It’s estimated in Canada approximately 6.4 million people struggle to read, write, and hold basic numeracy skills. To highlight the true impact of illiteracy in Canada, Mr. Kay spoke about this economic cost and social impact report at the Oxford University World Literacy Summit on Monday April 3rd, 2023. The Summit was a vital opportunity for the wider literacy community to come together, find solutions, and create a roadmap for the future. It played a central role for the first time post-pandemic, bringing together practitioners and academics to share the latest global research and learnings to address a spike in illiteracy.

Dr Tony Cree, Chair of the World Literacy Council expressed his enthusiasm about the summit, “The 3-day meeting will put a spotlight on people and organizations doing exemplary and innovative work in the literacy sector around the world. We know the past 24 months have highlighted the need for communities to unite for literacy.”

The World Literacy Summit hosted around 500 literary specialists from 85 countries. A further 48,000 people from the developing world attended the event via virtual/online TV channel.

Before we end this article, I thought it would be important to impress on a point; not being able to read or write does not define a person’s intelligence or potential. There are many ways to learn and communicate, and it’s essential to provide support and resources to help those who struggle with literacy to overcome their challenges and achieve their goals.

It is important to create a supportive and inclusive environment that respects the unique needs and abilities of individuals who struggle with reading and writing. This can involve providing accommodations and adaptations to help them participate fully in educational, professional, and social settings.

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