Been meeting many people who have been suffering financially, personally, and with health problems mostly because of decisions they made long ago. Hearing statements like “Oh I wish I decided differently,” or “Why did I choose door number three,” can be perplexing, yet powerfully life altering.
Those choices made could be:
- Quit high school before graduating. In a high-tech world such a decision can be life altering.
- Wish I had not taken that drug. It became a habit, and now is a life-threatening problem.
- Should have worn that condom. (need say no more).
- Could have developed the relationship a bit longer and gotten to know my friend better but jumped in and got married. The greatest financial decision a person can make is in who they marry/develop a common law relationship.
- Maybe studying the possibility of the existence of life on another planet was the wrong course to specialize in.
- Taking those pictures while on a date outside of marriage may have been a bad choice. Posting them online definitely was a bad decision.
- Calling out migrants and others as security threats may have been a thought best kept to ourselves.
- Digesting ghost peppers seemed a good idea at the time. Our bowels have not been the same since.
- Spending hundreds of hours playing games while smoking weed seemed appropriate at the time. Out of money, a job and a future.
- Spending my money on crazy things when I could have bought gold at $36.00 an ounce. How wealthy could I be now?
- Impulse control is something many of us just don’t have. Impulse buying, drinking, eating. Oh, how the time flies while we get: poorer, fatter and unhealthier.
Find anything on this list that reminded you of someone? Please think about it and make some suggestions to add to the list. Remember a thoughtful person is a wise person indeed. Think before you act, act wisely with empathy in your heart. Remember the main factor behind success is self-control (rig veda).
Also remember the bad choices of the past can be let go. Have faith in yourself and begin anew. It is the most important thing you can do.