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Ontario Celebrates Education Week and Children’s Mental Health Week



Photo Credit: Press Foto


It has been 94 years now since Education Week has been recognized since it was created in 1930 by the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation. (OSSTF/FESSO). It was celebrated from Monday, May 6th to Friday, May 20th, 2024. It is a time to highlight the work performed by teachers and education workers for the students in Ontario from kindergarten to post-secondary.

The theme that was selected for 2024 by OSSTF/FEESO was “Public Schools, The Heart of Your Community.” According to the website, “This year, more than ever, it will be important for our members to recognize Education Week and to get involved in their union. Teachers and education workers should be proud of highlighting their work in their: schools, neighborhoods and communities.”

It was noted that Peel District School Board will be joining school boards across the province celebrating Education Week May 6th to 10th, 2024. The theme selected by the PDSB was “Together We Thrive.” The largest School Board in Canada, the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) celebrated Education Week by focusing on several things. They highlighted some of the great things happening across the TDSB that demonstrate how: students, staff, and the wider TDSB community achieve, belong, and thrive in revitalized environments that are inclusive, safe and modern.

On Monday, May 6th, the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) issued a press release to celebrate the importance of public-school educators. Karen Brown, President of ETFO writes, “The commitment and professionalism of ETFO members and other education workers are what continue to sustain our public schools. As we celebrate Education Week, let us take a moment to express our gratitude to those whose determined efforts help to make the world a better place.”

ETFO has been quite vocal in its opposition to the provincial underfunding of public education since it came into power in 2019 and with the recently released budget. President Brown notes further, “By once again failing to allocate funding in the 2024 provincial budget; the Conservatives have chosen to perpetuate a crisis that continues to undermine public education.

Despite a growing need to invest in Ontario’s education system, the government persists in depriving it of resources it desperately needs. This callous disregard of the challenges educators face is a damning indictment of the government’s priorities.”

Children’s Mental Health Week, which coincides with the start of Education Week saw TDSB collate a collection of information and resources that focus on conversations with respect to the ways that the well-being in schools can be maximized and enhanced. The theme selected by the Canadian Mental Health Association is “A Call to Be Kind Because Compassion Connects Us All.” Mental Health Week was celebrated from May 6th to May 12th. The CMHA notes,” We all have the capacity to be compassionate, and we know that doing so makes an enormous difference.” It states further that “We are centered on the healing power of compassion. In a world plagued by suffering, we emphasize that kindness is equally intrinsic to our humanity.” The CMHA puts out a call to Canadians to think of ways that compassion connects us as one nation.

On Tuesday, May 7th, 2024, the TDSB focused on the importance of its Early Years programs. It notes, “The early years of a child’s life are critical for building a strong foundation for future success. Students in these early ages provide safe, challenging and engaging environments where children can learn, develop a strong sense of belonging, and continue to thrive throughout their educational journey.”

On Wednesday, May 8th, 2024, the TDSB focused on the importance of its Elementary Schools and Outdoor Learning programs. This was provided to show its commitment to: outdoor learning, giving students, and staff the chance to nurture their love for learning by discovering the environments around them.

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