Community News

“Our people blame the government for everything, yet we do not reach out to each other!” Faith Greaves continues to reach for the stars



Photo Credit: Faith Greaves


What is Mozia? It is a business community hub for entrepreneurs, corporate, satellites, non-profits, and community members. What do they do? They have an active food bank for over 100+ families, with their seniors at the forefront, our most vulnerable and marginalized shut-ins. They also have school programs for grades three to ten, as well as one on one and group learning in English, and math four evenings per week.

Mozia is out to make a huge difference in the community and the country in general and nothing is going to stop Faith Greaves, Founder from reaching for the stars on behalf of her fraternity.

Mozia is focused on:

  • Start-ups
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Satellite teams within larger organizations
  • Companies with flexible work-from-home policies
  • Freelancers
  • Corporate innovation ambassadors/teams
  • Fast-growing companies
  • Service providers, e.g., consultants, accountants, real estate and lawyers
  • Remote teams looking for an occasional gathering place for employees

I spoke with Greaves at length about the hurdles facing this organization, her faith, and how the organization is still moving forward regardless.

“In June of 2019, I brought in 49 community people, and said let’s put this together, let’s make this work and they agreed, so from June 2019, right back to October 2019, when it was time to sign off on the lease, they all ran away and left me with the responsibility of speaking to the property manager alone.”

Even this, as bad as it was, could not deter Greaves. She pressed on and is still in talks with the property manager whom she calls a nice person.

Greaves said she knows that there is a special attachment with her and the over 10,000 square feet of space, and she is confident that things will work out in her favour soon according to God’s plan.

Even though she has been shut out of the place, her hopes are high. “It is a space that offers growth, and I named the offices from the Bible. The first office is Debra, then you have Muriel, Gabriel, Sarah, Rebecca, the meeting room is called Messiah, Daniel then you have Enoch, Noah, Israel and so on.”

Greaves said her organization never requests IDs and personal stuff from the needy when they come in, “It is all about building relationships and trust,” she said, “They will eventually tell you who they are.” 

Greaves has a bit of advice for like-minded folks in her position, “Don’t give up! Associate yourself with people who believe in you, your vision, your mission, your purpose. Not everyone that walks with you is there for you when you are in need. They will take, and when there is no more to take, they walk.”

She told me that during her crisis she reached out to four or five well-known Black associations in the city, and they turned their backs on her and said “No.”

“One of them said to me, sell your stuff and don’t worry about it. Another said to me “put your stuff in storage and start all over again at a later date.”

Greaves expressed her dismay, “Our people blame the government for everything, yet we do not reach out to each other when we succeed, we don’t help each other. As a community, we need to support each other.”

The location in question is located at 10 Belfield Road, 2nd Floor, Etobicoke, Ontario.

For anyone reading this article and would like to help with funding this organization so it can keep helping other needy folks reach their goals and get back in this much-needed building space, here is their link where you can do so.


  1. Yuri Hutchinson

    March 19, 2022 at 6:06 pm

    Wonderful article. Spot on

  2. Yuri Hutchinson

    March 19, 2022 at 6:09 pm

    The problem is there is no cohesion in the African Community because there is no loyalty in our families. Everything starts from the family and we need to go back to our traditional African ways. Faith has been doing a tremendous job in assisting with the seniors and hope things keep progressing.

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