Community News

Patrick Husbands; an Ambassador of Caribbean ambition and determination




Jockey: Man or woman who rides a horse during a horse race, especially as a professional.

Horse/Steed: Culturally/Historically/Religiously – Horses symbolizes freedom and courage.

Patrick Husbands is an icon within the equestrian sport of horse racing. A Barbadian jockey who found a place within a sporting sector that was selective as to who would succeed in their sector. Becoming a jockey, when at that time the majority of riders were White, was a challenge.

Patrick succeeded as an outstanding athlete because he came to understand what racing was all about, what element was essential to win. A horse race involves teamwork, particularly the team of jockey and steed. Both athletes in their own way, fully knowledgeable of each other’s habits, methods and practices, working together to accomplish the winning goal.

Jockeys are usually self-employed. Imagine what Patrick must have gone through in his lengthy career, having to please his employers, and the racing association and the venues (Woodbine) he was in. He truly has a strong resilience and powerful character to accomplish over 3,600 wins. A champion among champions, and a true ambassador of Barbadians everywhere. “The Caribbean’s Gem,” shining forth before a world struggling to live their lives in routine and struggles, looking for a champion, and a chance to share in a win.

He is the 30th Winner of the Avelino Gomez Memorial Award, recognizing Canadian born, Canadian raised, or someone who has lived in Canada for over five years, and their accomplishments to Canada and their profession. Husbands lives in Brampton, Ontario, where he continues a strong relationship with his Barbados and Caribbean roots through good works and charity.

Patrick sees the future of horse racing as bright and future positive. While many in society question the use of the horse, seeing it as abusive and unworthy of our present-day social attitudes. Animal activists often protest events like the races Patrick participates in, and the future of horse racing may become a thing of the distant past if society sees that the racing sector is distasteful and abolishes it in the future. Who surely knows.

Patrick will remain a champion, and a symbol of achievement for all to see, within a society where social-economic stresses divide us. An ethnically challenged man, working his way up the ladder of success to a pinnacle most do not achieve. A bright star for the entertainment industry, and an ambassador of Caribbean ambition and determination.

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