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Places of worship in Quebec must use vaccine passports to refuse entry to unvaccinated people!



Photo Credit: Robert Stokoe


The Bishops of Quebec were not even consulted before the publication of this announcement which seems to me to be totally unfair to a part of our faithful.” Bishop Guy Desrochers of the Diocese of Pembroke

Since the very beginning of the pandemic, our churches have followed the multiple, non-productive standards of the health authorities and have helped to prevent any spread of the virus in their congregations. Now, it is as if the government suddenly had no confidence in the measures it has imposed on places of worship. Religious worshipers are treated more harshly than supermarkets and many other businesses, yet at one point they were recognised as “essential” to the welfare of the public, particularly to the faithful.

Our governments have completely ignored The Code of Canon Law, which states no member of the faithful should be deprived of the Sacraments. Instead, it seems like our governments are making a mockery of the Code of Canon Law of the Catholic Church.

Quebec Premier François Legault has mandated that vaccine passports be used to enter any place of worship in Quebec. He announced that all places of worship in Quebec must use vaccine passports to refuse entry to unvaccinated people!

This is a severe violation of the religious freedoms and freedom of conscience of Quebec citizens. People who hold objections to any current medical injections should be allowed to do so without being denied access to their sacraments and faith communities. To make matters worse, there is strong evidence to suggest that this policy was made without any consultation with religious leaders in Quebec!

Keep in mind; there are already restrictions on places of worship in Quebec, which force them to be below a 50% capacity, with a maximum of 250 people. The vast majority of churches understand the importance of taking measures to protect vulnerable people from COVID-19.

Starting December 31st, 2021, at 5:00 p.m., places of worship will be closed, except for the holding of funeral ceremonies. A maximum of 25 people can attend any funeral ceremony indoors. It is not possible to organize a wedding ceremony, nor the reception or banquet that usually follows the wedding ceremony.

Outside, it is possible to organize a wedding ceremony that brings together 250 people. It is also possible to hold the reception or banquet that usually follows the wedding ceremony, with a maximum of 50 people.

During the viewing of the body or ashes of the deceased, as well as during the expression of condolences to the next of kin, a maximum of 25 people may be inside the premises at the same time. A face covering is still required at all times, except when eating or drinking.

In places of worship, the number of people is limited to 25. However, up to 250 people may attend if the ceremony is held outdoors. A physical distance of one metre must be maintained between participants and face coverings are required at all times, except when eating or drinking. The limits on the number of participants exclude funeral home workers and volunteers inside or outside the funeral home.

Enough is enough, faithful people. government leaders must not be allowed to coerce our citizens into receiving a medical procedure by denying them their right to freely worship. Though he is undoubtedly under pressure to contain rising cases of the Omicron variant, Premier Legault must do so while respecting the fundamental freedoms of the faithful in Quebec.

We cannot allow governments to assume total control over places of worship by letting them dictate the conditions under which their province’s citizens can go to church. One’s vaccination status has no theological relevance to whether one should be permitted to receive sacraments and participate in their faith communities.

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