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“Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is becoming a national security threat to the people of America.” A retired Lieutenant Commander speaks out!




In June of last year, the U.S Senate forced the Biden administration to lay out plans for working with allies on China-related issues. They gave the White House 90 days to publish a strategy explaining where it agrees and disagrees with Canada on China related issues.

The bill focused on a number of issues around the Trudeau government’s relationship with China. They included: trade, cyber-security, Huawei, 5G networks, mineral resources, defence, the Arctic, global institutions, organized crime, as well as the spread of authoritarian government.

CBC, did an article on the 1,400-page legislation. Alexander Panetta (Journalist) notes that the bill would then require the U.S. administration to report to Congress at least twice a year for five years on how the strategy is going. The report would be available for public viewing, though it might contain a classified portion.

One issue that the U.S. has been pressing is for Canada to take a stance on banning Huawei from the 5G networks, a decision Canada has yet to make. The reason that some global powers have banned Huawei is because they believe that China is using Huawei to spy on their citizens. The governments see Huawei as an agent of the Chinese government, and they are focused on protecting critical infrastructure from “hostile state vendors.”

The bill called for similar reports about U.S. relations with other entities, such as NATO and the European Union; and with regions such as the Caribbean; and countries including Australia and Japan.

In April 2021, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chair Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) and ranking member Sen. Jim Risch announced their finished bipartisan proposal to counter China’s rising political and financial power. This bill marked years of growing bipartisan concern about the rise of an increasingly authoritarian China.

“The idea that we are somehow a national security threat to the United States is quite frankly insulting and unacceptable.” Prime Minister Trudeau, 2018

This quote came about after Former President Donald Trump announce that he would impose a 25% tariff on imported steel and a 10% tariff on imported aluminium from key U.S. allies, including Canada, Mexico, and the European Union.

The tariffs were initially announced in March 2021. To justify this action, President Trump cited Section 232, a rarely invoked law that allows tariffs to be placed on a country in the interest of national security.

Most recently, Lt. Steven Rogers has been vocal about his thoughts on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Who is Lt. Steven Rogers? He was recruited to the United States Navy reserve in 1981, and worked with the Office of Navel Intelligence, and retired as a Lieutenant Commander after 25 years of service. As a Navy Commander, Rogers served as the Deputy Director Intelligence Support Group, Homeland Security, (N2) Intelligence, and was assigned as the U.S. Northern Command’s Senior Military Intelligence Officer to the FBI National Joint Terrorism Task Force.

I see that he has aligned himself with former President’s Ronald Reagan, President George Bush, and President Donald Trump, and depending on where you sit in the political sphere, that could be a good thing or a bad thing, but it is his message that really got me thinking.

He claimed that he was represented 1,000 American citizens who had this to say to our Prime Minister,

“You are supporting the ideologies of Marx, Lenin, and Stalin. You have stained your nation. Thank God for the truckers and people of Canada, who have stood up for freedom and liberty. You have heard from European Parliament members, but you have not heard from Americans yet!”

He goes on to say, “Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is becoming a national security threat to the people of America. We are busy, yes, but come November 2022, we will be busy with you Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and your government.

I want to say three words to you that are going to come back to haunt you, Let Freedom Reign!”

This is a very strong statement, one that makes me wonder what a man at his level knows about our Prime Minister that we don’t?

To think, this powerful proclamation has not been seen anywhere on mainstream media. I think about media houses powered by the government (CBC), and their lack of coverage about U.S lawmakers suspicion toward the relationship between Trudeau’s Liberals and the Chinese government.

Well, who can blame them? They have been well funded not to cover this type of thing.

Thankfully, we will!

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