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Propaganda surrounds us clouding what is actually happening right in front of us




“It is right for you to doubt. Doubt arises when you come face to face with dubious matters. Do not rely upon tradition, scriptures, lineage of leaders, or abstract logic. Instead, when faced with something unwholesome and harmful reject it, and walk towards what is wholesome and beneficial to you. Know yourself, and observe the world with eyes wide open” (Buddha)

At this time in your lives there is a whole lot of confusion, misinformation and propaganda to decipher and understand.  What is true news, and what is false misrepresentations? We need to awaken from our sleep, a sleep where we have been led by the political, religious and social elites who govern us. Advertisements, propaganda and false news surround us at all sides clouding what is actually happening right in front of us. How can we awaken and see through the multiple falsehoods before us?

Canadian politics assure us that an election is on hand soon. The ever present “Anyone but Justin” has risen to a crescendo and many Canadians cannot wait to vote for Pierre Poilievre and his conservatives. Before this happens let’s look at what Canadians have achieved with the Liberal-NDP Alliance, and what we would have to look forward to with a government led by Pierre.

Seniors for the first time can get: glasses, meds, dental services and other services. Soon enough other Canadians may also receive such services provided by Canadian taxpayers. Children receive services that they once never did. The Aboriginal peoples are being shown the respect and financial services they have always required, and our government advances in its purpose to serve Canadians. Pierre has promised to cut taxes for: big business, big pharma, and also cut red tape. That means he will reduce and cut protective regulations that protect us.

The Canadian West will become of paramount importance to a conservative government, with allowances given to its energy sector. The green tax will disappear, with no real assurance that a conservative government will take climate change seriously. Immigration with the Liberals allowed even unskilled people to enter. A conservative government will center its attention upon financial migrants who can set up businesses and support the conservatives too.

There is a real good chance Donald Trump may be the next President of the USA. Canada should shake at this possibility.

Americans have become totally isolated from their governments, whom they believe to be untrustworthy, predatory and a danger to them. Whether foreign interference in this election comes from a domestic, or a foreign place, Americans simply cannot find a way to believe their politicians anymore. Politicians are seen as “pigs at the trough”, and in a way they certainly are. Elected mercenaries with selfish streaks, willing to lay bare their governments secrets for a few coins of gold. Imagine if we could know just how many politicians cheat on their oaths to serve their constituents?

Fake news, propaganda, advertisement and a great deal of hearsay are playing a role in Americans mental health decline. In 2023 2-3 Americans out of ten don’t trust or believe in their government. This has increased substantially in the last year. Sure, Donald Trump is a convicted felon, but on the day, he was convicted he raised over $141 dollars from supporters. Crazy is as crazy does.

The buddha would have had you always alert, eyes wide open, observing what is going on in your day. Consider what is good and beneficial to you and your family and drive away from the rest. It is at times like this that seeing is possibly best to blindly believing. He who offers you assistance is greater than he who would take away what you need. Sometimes a gift is simply a gift best received.

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