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Quarantine and heal; You got fears to face!


Peace & Love Cosmic Family!

I hope you are all doing well on whichever day of quarantine you are on.  I’ve stopped counting days and meals at this point! We are now hearing news of the lockdown slowly coming to an end, as businesses prepare to slowly reopen.  As the weather gets better, we find ourselves getting more restless and itching to get outside.  However, with the rising number of deaths in our nursing homes and other sectors, many are still under a great deal of fear about returning to the “new normal”.  This fear is a normal and understandable response, considering all that is happening.  But fear does not bring healing, it brings more fear and that fear is crippling.

As children we can remember how scary fear feels. The imaginary boogie man under the bed kept us from restful sleep or being afraid of making new friends made you feel lonely.  Fear robs us of joy; fear robs us of our creativity and liberation. Fear blocks us from realizing our full potential and living our life to our highest potential. Will Smith recently tweeted “Fear is not real.  It is a product of thoughts you create.  Do not misunderstand me.  Danger is very real.  But fear is a choice!”

With that being said, fear lies in our thoughts. Fear is a result of the stories we tell ourselves about things we perceive to be dangerous. The answer to dismantling our fears is to look at how we think, what are the stories we are telling ourselves?

The Cosmos always has answers and this week the message is clear: Dive deep and face your fears!

On May 7th we had our last Full Super Moon for the year.  Super moons occur when the Moon is closer to Earth, appearing bigger and brighter in the night’s sky.  This Full Moon is in the sign of Scorpio. Scorpio is a water sign that rules our emotions, things that are taboo, deep truths. Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, also rules it. This full moon is giving us the opportunity to explore our hidden emotions, our fears, things we have deemed as taboo and finally come face to face with them so we can release.

Often times it’s the: issues, people, or circumstances that we have buried deep in our subconscious that trigger us the most. We begin telling ourselves stories as a way to cope or protect ourselves from what feels to be dangerous. Danger is real, but we don’t have to be afraid, we can push forward in caution.

Mama Moon has come extra close to us one last time this year to tell us there is truly nothing to fear. We can put our fears to death with this Pluto energy and rebirth our liberation by facing it and letting it go once and for all. We can swim through our emotions and things deemed taboo to bring them to light in this illuminated full moon.  We can bask in the light of our truths to surrender to new life.

In this time of profound fear, I am challenging you all to dive deep in these Scorpio waters and find your treasure, find your healing.

Protective measures have been put in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We are being asked to go within, asked to social distance, and wash our hands so we can be safe from these fears.

Go within yourself, begin to social distance from your fears, wash away what you are afraid of so you can you quarantine and HEAL!

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