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Reject the injection and trust your immune system




Over the last year, I’ve spoken with many people: law enforcement, politicians, medical professions, business owners, church leaders and more. Serious accidents have been labelled as “Covid”. AMO documents requested city politicians be fired for questioning “the science.” $100k threats were made to small businesses if they open, while fully open big box retailers packed people in like sardines. I’ve read hundreds of medical documents, psychological reports, publicly available official documents, and ‘conspiracies’ to see the big picture. I have a number of science degrees from prestigious universities, so I understand “the science.

I am going to share with you what I’ve learned. Research these topics. Get educated. Do critical thinking.

In short, this is what is really going on.

A handful of very rich, very powerful, and very evil individuals and evil families literally want world domination, total power, total control. Secret societies like “Circle of the Black Sun,” “Society of Elect” plan generations in advance and manipulate those below them. They are eugenists and believe in population control. They believe they are smart (‘illuminated’), and that you are dumb. So, they use trauma-based mind control  lockdowns and masks, with two primal human fears, the fear of death, and the fear of poverty, to manipulate your actions and belief system.

Their agenda includes the following.

  • One world government (Agenda 21, 2030, Lockstep)
  • A planned “Health Pandemic” using psychological manipulation (Event 201, SPARS)
  • A planned 2nd ‘Digital Health Pandemic’, to push a global ID (Cyberpolygon, ID2020)
  • Permanent Online education (CORE education)
  • Massive Currency devaluation to push a one world digital currency (“BetterThanCash”)
  • World Depopulation (Georgia Guidestones, East Indian Polio Experiments, AIDS “medication”)
  • Destroying small business (Destructive Capitalism)
  • Mind control through injections (Patent #2020-060606, Profusa Bio Sensors, fMRI, Programmable DNA)
  • Manufactured food shortages

What would you do if you knew there never was a contagious virus, and the only way you became infected was to become injected? Research germ theory versus terrain theory, or German New Medicine. Or look at FOIR’s from PHA’s indicating no isolated virus sample from a deceased person was available prior to injections. (That’s like saying someone died from cancer, so the doctor cuts open the body, sees it’s healthy – and says ‘Trust me, its there! I just can’t find it!’).

Do not blindly “trust the science”, or “trust the experts”. Sometimes, “the science” is wrong, and “the experts” lie to you.

Why would “experts” lie to you? The love of money is a good reason.  It’s surprising how easily a tiny amount of money can influence the opinions of “the experts”. Ownership stakes in plastic, masking, or vaccine companies provide good incentives. Contract bidding for huge profits (i.e., E60PV-20ESS2/B) provide good incentives. Those “experts” then tell those under them to go along with the agenda or look for a different job. Underlings, threatened with losing their job if they don’t mask up, get the jab, or ‘trust’ their superiors do as they’re told.

Those same “experts” then use things like the Principles of COVID-19 vaccine communications document from the United Nations/University of Florida to instruct health practioners how to exploit human emotions and values to get more injections. Why the big rush for injections? That’s all you see on Tell-a-Vision. Or Tell-lie-vision. How do you spell that properly?

So, what do you do? Get educated, and fast. Reject the injection. Trust your immune system. Tell others, and a bonus, invest in some physical gold and silver today.

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