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Relax, drink your water and mind your business


Greetings Family!

Summer is here! The sun is shining. The flowers are blooming, and I think we are all excited to start heading back outside. The last few months have been very interesting to say the least. The quarantine period was a trying time for many.  As we slowly await the various stages of reopening, we all are anxiously eager to get back to normal, but what is normal?

After the last six months, I think it’s safe to say, normal is what you make it.  Was the “normal” really working?  As the world stood still for three months, we have all been given the opportunity to explore what normal was compared to the norm now.

When the first wave of COVID-19 became a reality, many were caught off guard. Remember the toilet paper wars? Was that normal? We found ourselves confined to our homes, only leaving for “essentials”. Line-ups at grocery stores and the bank became the new normal. Zoom meetings and online learning quickly became the new normal. Social and physical distancing became the new means of engagement. Now we are preparing for mandatory masks in public indoor spaces. This family is now the new normal. If we look back to New Year’s Eve, I don’t think we were thinking of 2020’s norms to be like this. We have undergone a lot in the last six months. I will still stick to the mantra, 2020 is not cancelled it is being restructured.

As mentioned before all the planets will go through a retrograde phase at some point this year. Planets influence various aspects of our lives.  As each planet goes retrograde, it provides us with an opportunity to reflect, reassess and refocus on these areas. Eclipses are also times of energetic resets. This year we have six eclipses.

Believe it or not, the universe is always conspiring on our behalf. This is a tough year, but we have the power at any given time to reset. We have this time to really assess what and who is important in our lives. As we evaluate how we: love, set boundaries, use our thoughts and words, how our actions impact others, our deepest dreams, aspirations, we have the power to change.

We can redesign our lives to find happiness in the midst of this chaos. Sunday, July 5th we have our 4th eclipse of the year. This Full Moon Lunar eclipse will take place in the sign of Capricorn. During a Full Moon, the Sun is in the opposite sign of the Moon. With the Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Capricorn, intensified by the eclipse, we are being presented with the need for balance between career, personal aspirations and the needs of the home. Mercury is also retrograde in Cancer, putting focus on how we communicate our emotions, thinking or revisiting childhood trauma and issues that affect the home. Full Moon energy usually lasts about three days before and after the full moon, with the eclipse, energy can last up to six months.

Our next eclipse is at the end of November. This eclipse closes out the Capricorn/Cancer axis we have been on for the last year and a half. We have definitely seen many changes around work and home. The next six months provides us with a chance to revaluate what home and work look like moving forward. What issues have come to surface over the last three months? Will you be returning to work as “normal” or will that have to look different? Will children be going back to school? There is still a lot of uncertainty around these issues. Focus on what you can control.

Ensure you are stocking up on food, water and supplies during the summer in case a second wave and lock down occur. Ensure you have some savings put away, in the event something happens with your source of income. I know we have been locked inside for the last couple of months; it’s tempting to go visit all our favourite stores and start the retail therapy. The real therapy is being real with yourself, and what you need to be safe and secure as we navigate the next half of the year.

Neptune is also retrograde right now in its home sign of Pisces. Neptune is the planet of dreams, visions and spirituality. We often create illusions to keep us safe and protected. We turn a blind eye to the red flags in a relationship because we believe eventually they will live up to the illusion we have set for them. When Neptune is in retrograde, the illusions are peeled back. We see reality for what it is. Neptune will also be in retrograde until the end of November. Over the 5-6 months, the illusions will be pulled back, we will be face to face with the reality of our lives.

I know 2020 didn’t start or go as a lot of us thought, but the universe is giving an opportunity to: reset, reflect, reassess, refocus and redesign our new normal. Relax, stock up/drink your water and mind the business that matters most to you.

That’s the new normal.

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