Community News

Responsibility, transparency and most Importantly accountability is lacking when one speaks about our politicians




The Scout motto is “BE PREPARED!” That means that a Scout is to be in a state of readiness in mind and body to do their duty. It is simple, but so very profound indeed.

A fictional character created by Lee Child also has a message of importance that we all need to hear today. That is simply “Hope for the best, but plan for the worst.”  Wisdom offered to us by bright minds.

If we apply these two gifts of advice to politics, whether in the past, present or future, and we look at how our elected officials have performed, we can see none of them have been Scouts, Girl Guides or readers of the author Lee Child.

For example, let’s look at how they responded to the pandemic shall we. Warnings of such a pandemic have been historically recorded for many decades. Proof was in the pudding in fact. There was talk of a mass death event caused by influenza-like illnesses over a hundred years ago. It is not like these politicians did not have historical examples to base their preparation upon. The Spanish Death killed over a hundred million globally.

Historical fact. Influenza itself kills millions across the globe annually. America, Russia, China and other military establishments have been experimenting upon making such illnesses into weapons for decades. What did our elected officials do? Not much.

Did they…

  1. Make sure there was enough skilled staff trained and available at all times?
  2. Make sure healthcare equipment is functional and not out-dated.
  3. Continue public scientific studies into how to fight such illnesses?
  4. Make sure senior homes do not become prison cells for seniors should a breakout happen. Make these homes climate controlled, with up to dated equipment and masks.
  5. Education centres are self-regulating and controlled, with no need to keep student’s home.
  6. Not rely upon private concerns to provide lifesaving vaccines and antidotes.

In the region that I live in, politicians have been realizing these needs, but passing them onto the next administration with excuses like: solving these problems cost too much money, the science is not here yet, there is no need to prepare for something that most likely will not happen. Don’t they look like fools?

Millions have died and suffered because of the politician’s lack of interest, preparedness and investment in community safety. Politicians lack what young Scouts and Guides have plenty of, namely imagination and courage. A politician does not want to rock the boat, make their electorate concerned over things that probably won’t happen. Many politicians lack the understanding of why they are in the jobs they hold, which is “To Serve the Community.”

Our governmental officials have known for many years about the missing Aboriginal women, and the stories of abuse in government managed schools, and yet they do nothing, hoping that the horrors of the past will not come to light. There are in most government vaults studies upon studies regarding all the possible things that could happen, how to improve the community’s lot, and yet most studies remain hidden.

Our officials spend our money willy-nilly, making decisions that affect us behind closed doors. Responsibility, transparency and most importantly accountability is truly lacking when one speaks about our politicians. Elected or appointed for years, they become dictators, until election time reappears.

We need to be prepared for what’s coming folks: weak economies, huge national debts, an aging population reliant upon their unprepared national authorities to care for them. Poverty, racial and social struggles continue unabated while politicians make good dough, fail to solve our national problems, and then off to the private sector they go.

Who do these men and women really work for?

They have a plan, and they’re not sharing it with us. If those in power are not prepared, who will suffer the wrath of our world? Like the person living on a flood plan, reality tells them one day the land will flood, and yet they do nothing, only to ask for our help when needed.

What a crazy world!

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