Community News

Return your anger, suspicions, and mistrust towards these faceless business organizations



Photo Credit: Drazen Zigic


Our society is based upon a capitalistic format whether it be: governmental, financial, social, or even cultural in nature. Private concerns control our political system, through the: donation, electoral and lobbyist systems. Our efforts to assist those in need within society are hindered for lack of funds, and the private sector fights to keep their corporate taxes down. No funds available, no hiring of needed essential service professionals, school teachers, social workers etc. The art world pivots upon the private sector’s whims and likes/dislikes. The banking system sets its financial values, its determination of who, what, where, and when ethnic businesspeople can get loans or financial assistance.

Social Assistance is not socialist, but an effort on the part of the private sector to placate those: unemployed, handicapped, or homeless who would protest their lot, and even turn to violence to get fair play form their own society. Keeping our disaffected members of society somewhat happy, less angry is what it is all about. Not charity, not empathy but corporate survival techniques.

Can we demand of our governments a new way to carry out their obligatory jobs? A revolution in socio-economic thought is required.

Local-regional and national governments need to actually build homes. Building starts controlled by private concerns are slow and highly expensive. If affordable housing can become a reality our local government needs to do the building in competition with the developers of the area. Competition is supposed to happen within our capitalistic state, but instead price gouging, price setting is all the fad.

In order for local governments to build needed building starts, local and regional governments need to set up their own banks, independent of the giant banks that control our financial institutions. Monopolies like the banking system need to be ended. The City of Rochester has considered just such a project.

If a local government finds the need to hire essential service professionals to achieve better, quicker and more customer service-oriented professionalism, so be it. Cost must be applied to the tax base without any concern to a politician’s electoral demise, or success. If it needs to happen, make it so.

The private sector has held sway over our electoral process, our political leaders and the bureaucracy that they lead for too long. Our elected officials need the ability to advance societal needs above those of the wealthy, most powerful of corporations. Uncuffing our elected officials can allow them to advance the goals of society, whether that be: equality of pay, affordable housing, establishment of long-term employment over the trap of part time work, accessible non prejudicial banking systems, and so on.

Wonder why your local region cannot afford needed equipment, staff, or programs? Big business has had its way, either pressuring denying expenditures or demanding lower corporate taxes.

We cannot afford to shore up areas affected by flooding, effectively control wildfires, because corporations do not want to pay the taxes they should, fairly and equitable. Remember most money owned by persons and corporations lay in foreign offshore banks, out of reach of most government regulation. The private sector wants its cake, and then will eat it too.

What do large businesses always do? They bitch about taxes, government expenditures, those lazy welfare recipients, and so on. It is about time the public returns their anger, suspicions, and mistrust towards these faceless business organizations. Take them on. Allow your governments to break the multiple monopolies that exist in North America.

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