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There is something happening in our world, and this cannot be denied. As I write to you today community, I do so with apprehension. Since the lockdown in March 2020, the Toronto Caribbean Newspaper has been interviewing, and discussing the coronavirus, but not in the way mainstream media has.

It has been well documented that the mainstream media use tactics to play on the emotions of the reader or viewer. This is done to create higher ratings, and to keep individuals (like you and I), pinned to our seats, anticipating what is going to happen next. A primary tool of mainstream media is the use of fear as motivation.

Fear is a primal instinct that has served men throughout the evolutionary process. Our memories are born in fear. What keeps these memories fresh is the adrenaline rush that occurs during an experience, and it is forever etched in our brains. Think about it. Will you ever forget your Covid-19 experience?  Why not? Nothing makes us more uncomfortable than fear.

Science shows that fear invokes the flight or fight system, and our first reaction is often to flee back to what is comfortable. If we don’t know the way back to our comfort zone, we are likely to follow whoever shows us a path. In the case of the coronavirus, many of us don’t know what it is going to take to get back to our normal. So what we do is latch on to what is being fed to us by people that we think are looking out for our best interest. This sets up an interesting dynamic that leaves the community with no choice but to make decisions that they believe are most helpful to them. This is what gives mainstream media its power.

I have spoken about the censorship that is happening to Toronto Caribbean Newspaper, and our sister station TCN TV Network (myTCNTV). Our coverage has gone against the mainstream media grain, and because of this, we have joined a growing group of individuals globally, who are denied the freedom to speak out freely against a global experience that has left people scratching their heads.

We are not special in any case; my research shows that this is something that is happening to other brave souls who are doing their best to educate the masses. One case is with two doctors: Dr Dan Erickson, and Dr Artin Massihi. They are doctors from California who argue that the mortality rate of the coronavirus is similar to the common flu. Their claim is that the numbers do not indicate the need for the lockdown measures that we have experienced around the world. Instantly they were hit with criticism and attempts to debunk their claims. Their YouTube video that went over precise details, and was viewed about a million times was removed.

Africa has also had muzzles put in place. There have been at least 10 doctors, and six journalists arrested since the virus first hit Egypt in February. Other health workers say they have been warned by administration to keep quiet or face punishment. It became serious for one foreign correspondent who had to flee the country because they feared arrest.

Citizen journalists and critics in China have been censored or arrested after sharing information about the outbreak. Some have disappeared or are under heavy surveillance.

Informed debate is exactly what we need to make wise decisions for our families, and ourselves but unfortunately, informed debate is exactly what certain social media platforms, and the global governments don’t want. They want unquestioned obedience, and to implement that obedience they are cracking down on free expression. This is why I was excited when I received an email from a woman who goes by the name of Seven.

“One of your followers just sent me your recent excellent news article with Dr Buttar. I applaud you for being on the side of humanity and truth. Never has it been more important. The world is screaming out for it. As Dr Buttar explained in your recent news feature, censorship of the truth has become dangerous. That’s why it’s so critical that publications such as yours help those of us who are informed to get the real news out.”  Seven Starseed

My interview with Seven was both educational, and powerful. I would definitely recommend you taking some time to watch our discussion, as she reviews some of the most controversial topics that have surfaced during this pandemic. Naturally she has been censored, so this interview is a chance to dig deep into the cognitive dissonance you might be experiencing, and naturally, do your research.

Seven is a creative innovator. She is a talented musician, radio broadcaster, and spokesperson for the truth. She has worked in the entertainment industry for 30 years, and she happens to be the person behind the original concept of a long catalogue of TV programs including: Strictly Come Dancing and You Are What You Eat. In 2003, she became a targeted victim of intellectual property theft. In 2006, Seven won her trail in the case “Seven v Gossage & Nine Others. In 2008, this case was illegally closed down and a cover up ensued. She remains relentless in her pursuit of justice for the people, and when talking with her, you can feel her frustration and passion.

“For too long, we have allowed a cycle of panic and neglect when it comes to pandemics: we ramp up efforts when there is a serious threat, then quickly forget about them when the threat subsides. It is well past the time to act.” Global Preparedness Monitoring Board, September 2019

Seven and I discussed quite a bit in our interview, that by the end of it, I was mentally exhausted. Most definitely the topic that stuck out to me was the fact that global leaders seem to have known about the virus before it became a pandemic.

At the end of our discussion, Seven provided me with a document called, “A World at Risk” (September, 2019).

What I discovered in this document was disturbing. On page 15, it talks about the fact that there was a chance of a global pandemic growing. They highlight that scientific and technological developments provided new tools that advanced public health, but they also allowed for disease-causing microorganisms to be engineered or recreated in laboratories. It sounds similar to what has been said about the coronavirus.

The report goes on to talk about the fact that the world is not prepared for a fast-moving, deadly respiratory pathogen pandemic. They forecasted that if a contagion occurred, millions of people could perish. In addition, they reported that the pandemic would cause: pain, destabilize national security and seriously impact the global economy and trade (Page 15). Interesting! It sounds like exactly what is happening right now, and this was written in September 2019, long before the outbreak became global news.

There is a section in the report called “Advanced Preparedness.” In this section they talk about the recognized shared threat of a global health catastrophe.

“Political bodies, such as the G7, G20 (24), G77 and several regional intergovernmental organizations such as the African Union (25) have adopted political commitments for action on various aspects of health and health emergencies, including funding and linkages to health systems strengthening and universal health coverage.” (Page 19)

If the governmental bodies were prepared in advance for the virus, why when the outbreak occurred, did governments all over the world act so surprised?

SPOILER ALERT! I don’t want to ruin this, and share too much on my experience with Seven, so I will end with another key idea that was exposed. The report speaks about progress indicators provided that should be completed by September 2020. One of these indicators was that The United Nations (including WHO) must conduct at least two system-wide training simulation exercises, including one for covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen.

I want readers to know that this is information retracted from official government documents, and they are not made up. If you do your research, the answers that you seek are out there. Take the time to watch this, do your research, and prepare for what is to come.

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Written By

We, as humans are guaranteed certain things in life: stressors, taxes, bills and death are the first thoughts that pop to mind. It is not uncommon that many people find a hard time dealing with these daily life stressors, and at times will find themselves losing control over their lives. Simone Jennifer Smith’s great passion is using the gifts that have been given to her, to help educate her clients on how to live meaningful lives. The Hear to Help Team consists of powerfully motivated individuals, who like Simone, see that there is a need in this world; a need for real connection. As the founder and Director of Hear 2 Help, Simone leads a team that goes out into the community day to day, servicing families with their educational, legal and mental health needs.Her dedication shows in her Toronto Caribbean newspaper articles, and in her role as a host on the TCN TV Network.



  1. Steve Hartwell

    October 19, 2020 at 10:56 am

    “prepare for what is to come”

    1/what IS to come ? 2/ how do we prepare ?

  2. Ilona Sargeant

    October 25, 2020 at 8:03 pm

    Who even asked for 5G? Not us the people…

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