Personal Development

Small steps yield big rewards




It’s that time of year that people make resolutions, commitments for change. It’s also the time of year where things might also fall off the wagon. People want to change a lot of things in life, so they create this masterpiece of a plan, align it all, then try to get it done and it becomes too big to bite off in one chew. So, the real question becomes how do we get the results we are looking for without all the overwhelm and disappointment?

Well over the years I have figured it out and it really is quite simple. The answer is small bite-sized pieces yield results. It’s the small shifts in habits that make the difference. So, let’s paint the picture.

You want to get in shape, so you buy the gym membership, you say you are going to go. You also decide to start eating differently, drinking more water and remove other beverages. You then say that you will take vitamins and get eight hours of sleep a night. Then you will also meditate and do yoga before bed. Has anyone ever done this before? This is a whole lot of change. Most people can’t handle all this change at once, but they try to anyways and crash and burn.

So, then where do we go from here? Take one of the things and start there. Let’s say movement or working out is the first thing that you want to try. Every day, no matter what, you are at the gym. Yes, I said every day. It doesn’t mean that you have to burn it and fatigue yourself every day, maybe one or two days you are walking on the treadmill, getting in a little light sweat session. But you master that one activity. Once you do that, then incorporate the next piece. Maybe then it’s eating. You will then meal prep (while still going to the gym). Do you see where I am going with this? You stack the change instead of doing it all at once.

A couple of things to note, it’s ok to take your time with change. You are making progress just by committing to changing. All the small pieces build on each other. There is no right answer, there is only the right answer for you. One thing to also note is that all the small movements that we take are either building towards our goals or they are removing us from them. This is a reality. So, with every action comes a reaction, in the way we want it to or the way we don’t. Keep remembering to choose wisely. 

The other thing I want to drive home about change and goals is that there has to be a daily action or a daily process that you are embodying for the change. It can’t be a well I will get this done 3 times this week as it is a system that will break. You know it already because most likely you have done this somewhere in your life “Well I didn’t get that done this week, ahh. I’ll just start next week” Even if it’s a small workout, a walk, one email or a call. Whatever it is do it every day. We have to align these patterns (especially at the start) so that they become non-negotiables. Our humanness doesn’t really like change that much so whatever we can do to help ourselves is beneficial.

Whatever goals you set this year, I wish you so much abundance in achieving them. It’s really going to be a great 2019 if you want it to be. 

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