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Stacy Clarke, the first Black female Superintendent in Toronto Police Services history under investigation



Photo Credit: TPS News


The appointment of Stacy Clarke as the first Black female Superintendent in the

183-year history of the Toronto Police Services was greeted with much community celebration. Her promotion in July 2021 to senior leadership within the TPS was an historic and ground-breaking one.

She rose through the ranks of the TPS from the Community Response Unit, Youth Bureau and Intelligence, Divisional Policy Support Unit, Police College and the Primary Response Unit in the Detective Office. She was promoted in 2016 and subsequently in July 2021 she took over control of the Community Partnership and Engagement Unit (CPEU).

It was truly shocking when several mainstream media sources reported allegations against Superintendent Clarke that she leaked exam questions to six officers who were being mentored by her to be promoted. An email from Allison Sparkes, Director of Corporate Communications reads, “I can confirm that the Service is investigating allegations of impropriety in a recent promotional process. If the matter were to proceed to Tribunal, it would be made public in that process. Should criminal charges arise, the Service would also make those public. As of now, it is an on-going investigation and I’m unable to add anything further at this time.”

TPS spokesperson, Meaghan Gray revealed that Stacy Clarke was the high-ranking officer being investigated. She faces several charges under the Police Services Act such as “Breach of confidence, discreditable conduct and insubordination.” She indicated that details of the allegations would be fully revealed on Monday, January 24th, 2022, when Superintendent Clarke makes her appearance at the Toronto Police Tribunal.

Gray states, “While the Police Services Act prevents us from commenting further, we can also say that it is the chief’s intention to bring in an external prosecutor and adjudicator for this matter.” The notice of hearing revealed that she is accused of “Sending images of questions for the Toronto police sergeant’s interview to six constables in late November 2021.”

Furthermore, there are allegations that she invited one of the constables, identified as H.H., to her home for three days between December 3rd, 2021, and December 6th, 2021, to mentor them on the sergeant’s interview process. It is alleged that even after she was informed in an email on November 10th, 2021, that she would terminate all communication with the officers, she still continued. It was reported on January 24th, 2022, that Superintendent Clarke engaged in a mock interview with one of the candidates using actual questions, which were part of the promotional interview package without revealing potential conflict of interest. Superintendent Clarke will have to wait until February 23rd, 2022, to find out the outcome of this tribunal.

With a last name that means “Faithful and loyal,” it is no wonder that Paul Junor has become a welcomed addition to the Toronto Caribbean Newspaper Team. Since 1992, Paul has dedicated his life to become what you call a great teacher. Throughout the years, he has formed strong relationships with his students and continues to show them that he cares about them as people. Paul is a warm, accessible, enthusiastic and caring individual who not only makes himself available for his students, but for his community as well.

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Is Canada getting rid of “undesirables,” People who cost the Government (taxpayer) money?




How do some doctors in Canada kill the equivalent of a small city and not get as much as a trial date? If you are reading this article, you are about to find out. The word is  MAiD, and/or euthanasia, and it is legal according to Canadian law.

Since 2016 when MAiD (medical assistance in dying) was legalized in Canada, all hell broke loose on almost everyone who has had some form of long-term illness, especially the elderly.

From then until 2023 which is just eight short years, over sixty-thousand people were killed by doctors, here in Canada. Long story short, healthcare professionals have become executioners of folks who are: sickly, mentally challenged, and even those who are physically handicapped as well.

These so-called doctors are required to suggest the option to patients as a way out of their suffering. According to PJ Media’s Ben Bartee reports, Canadian Euthenists killed 13,241 people in 2022 alone.

Imagine California has the same population as Canada but has just a fraction of the deaths from euthanasia. In 2021 in California, 486 people died using the state-assisted program. In Canada that same year, 10,064 people died using MAiD.

Let us look at how Canada has used MAiD as a population control tool in the last eight years. 1,018 people were killed in 2016, 2,838 were killed in 2017, 4,493 were killed in 2018, 5,565 killed in 2019, 7,611 people killed in 2020, 10,092 killed in 2021, 13,241 in 2022, and 2023 has a projection of 15,280 who will be executed by MAiD in Canada.

For the record, this information was sourced from the Health Canada Euthanasia

Prevention Coalition and put out by the Director of Euthanasia Prevention Coalition Alex Schadenberg.

Deaths attributed to MAiD have become the most common after cancer, heart disease, and accidental injuries, official data shows. According to the same stats 51.4% of all assisted suicides are males, while 48.6 are females. Assisted killings now account for 4.6% of all deaths in Canada and the average age of MAiD recipients is 77 years old.

To paint a clearer picture of the crimes committed here, let us use these numbers as a guide. In 2024 Florida’s North Miami Beach had 59,008 people, The Hammocks had 59,843, and Palm Beach Gardens had 61,146. Imagine any of these regions’ full population being killed right here in Canada in just seven to eight short years.

Is Canada getting rid of “undesirables,” people who are/would cost the government (taxpayer) money? I will let Canadians answer these questions. However, it seems like this killing spree is just getting started here in Canada, here is why.

In March 2027, MAiD is scheduled to be extended to people whose only problem is mental illness. Canada is considering extending MAiD to mature minors. Quebec College of Physicians has demanded that MAiD become available to babies.

When a country’s medical practitioners start mixing assisted dying with organ harvesting, it does not take rocket science to figure out where that country is heading.

According to a report from The Gold Report, Canada’s Healthcare practitioners are required to notify the appropriate organ donor organization when a patient’s death is imminent. This also includes those individuals who are considering MAiD; hospices, even religious ones, cannot refuse to kill their patients.

A Gold Report has named Canada number one in the world in harvesting organs from people who have let the medical establishment kill them. As the years roll by, Canada has become craftier at making it legal for those in the medical profession to kill its citizens, here is one example.

In March 2021 Canada passed Bill C-7 that removed the “terminal illness” requirement in law. This created a two-tier law by removing the waiting period for people who were terminally ill and adding a 90-day waiting period for people who were not terminally ill and allowing euthanasia for mental illness alone.

“Since Trudeau’s government legalized euthanasia, this is now used to threaten penalties against a non-faith-based hospice if the hospice fails to follow the government mandate, and allow its patients to be killed on-site using the medically assisted death program,” said political independent and registered nurse Suzanne Hamner who writes for The Sons of Liberty.

“Once the government can decide, or determine when life begins, or when newborn life is acceptable to murder, then the government can decide, or determine at what point life should end,” Hamner said.

Canadians if you think this information is scary, wait. Hamner pointed out that the government is in the process of deciding who lives, or dies and this includes babies born and unborn, and just remember, Canada has government-controlled health care.

Canadians you were put on notice!

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Men, when it comes to fertility, you truly are what you eat




When we talk about infertility, the conversation often centers on women. It’s understandable—female infertility has been widely: studied, discussed, and addressed. The numbers are concerning, and the impact is deeply personal for so many, but what if we’re missing half the picture? While the rise in female infertility has captured attention, what’s less discussed is male infertility. So, why is male infertility still in the shadows?

Male infertility is more common than most people realize. We tend to overlook it, possibly because of the social stigma that surrounds it. Men often feel that acknowledging fertility issues is somehow a reflection of their masculinity, but the reality is far more complex.

Male infertility can be caused by several factors. Lifestyle choices, such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and drug use, can significantly impact sperm health, and it doesn’t stop there—environmental factors, such as exposure to pesticides, chemicals, and even heat, can also reduce fertility. Then, there are genetic and medical conditions like: low testosterone levels, varicoceles, and infections that directly affect sperm quality

Over the past few decades, scientists have noted a disturbing trend—a significant decline in sperm count and quality across the globe. Research indicates that sperm production has taken a significant nosedive since the 1900’s, putting male fertility and overall health at risk. A meta-analysis conducted by Carlsen et al. in 1992 reported a worldwide decline in sperm counts from 1938 to 1990. More recent studies have reinforced this alarming trend, with a review suggesting that global sperm counts have plummeted by more than 50% over the past 50 years. Another study found a staggering 51.6% reduction in average sperm count worldwide between 1973 and 2018, with the decline becoming even steeper after 2000.

Time to look at the science behind all of this. Bear with me. Environmental toxins lack of exercise and movement, and life stresses play major roles here, but so do dietary fats. Enter PUFAs, which have infiltrated modern diets, replacing the good old, saturated fats and animal fats that our ancestors thrived on. PUFAs are a type of fat found in various foods and oils. They are essential fats, meaning the body cannot produce them, so they must be obtained through the diet.

One study found that men suffering from varicocele (a condition where veins within the scrotum are inflamed which negatively impacts fertility) had significantly higher levels of omega-6 PUFAs compared to healthy men. One of the biggest dietary shifts has been an increase in linoleic acid (LA). LA is an omega-6 PUFA that is high in vegetable/seed, various nuts and seeds and conventional pork and chicken. Some of the LA we consume is used for energy, or as structural components in our bodies. Some is converted into a compound called arachidonic acid (AA) through a series of chemical reactions. One study demonstrated that AA plays a significant role in suppressing male fertility.

It’s crucial to remember that male fertility is not just about quantity, but also quality—how healthy the sperm are, their shape, and their ability to move effectively. These factors are all essential to conception. Often, couples may spend years focusing solely on the woman’s health, only to later discover that male infertility was a contributing factor all along.

Breaking the silence around male infertility is key. Men need to know that they’re not alone—and that there are steps they can take to improve their fertility. Medical treatments, lifestyle changes, and even preventive measures can make a world of difference. Men: let’s take a look at how we can assist with your sperm health. The good news is that there are simple lifestyle and dietary changes you can make to improve the quality of your sperm DNA and boost your overall reproductive health.

Maintain a healthy weight: Losing body fat has been shown to improve testosterone in overweight male subjects. Start eating a calorie amount appropriate for your needs, cook most of your meals from home, hit a consistent daily step count, and exercise regularly

Manage stress: Develop healthy sleep habits, as high levels of cortisol can negatively impact testosterone production.

Improve metabolic rate with carbs: Dietary fats are of course an important part of a healthy dietary strategy.

Reduce PUFA consumption: What you eat every single day plays a huge role in determining your overall health status. To improve fertility, it is beneficial to reduce your PUFA consumption by cutting back on vegetable oils, processed foods, conventional chicken/pork, and excessive nut, and seed consumption. Opt for healthier sources like tallow, butter, dairy fat, low-PUFA eggs, dark chocolate and coconut oil.

Men, it’s time to face the facts: what you eat matters, not just for your overall health, but for future generations. It is time to make adjustments to your diet and lifestyle. Male infertility may still be underreported, but the tide is turning. By raising awareness, addressing the root causes, and encouraging open dialogue, we can ensure that both men and women receive the support and care they need on their journey to parenthood.


What’s Causing the ‘Sperm Apocalypse’?

55% of Sperm Samples Contained High Levels of Glyphosate Weedkiller


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Antigua and Barbuda Art Week is calling, Will you answer?




As the days get shorter and the air turns crisp, we can all feel it – fall is here, and winter is just around the corner. For those of us in North America with the travel bug, this is the time it starts to itch. You’re thinking of warmth, adventure, and, of course, culture. Well, I’ve got the perfect trip idea for the art lovers out there!

Welcome to paradise. The Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority is thrilled to announce the second edition of Antigua and Barbuda Art Week 2024, taking place from November 27th to December 3rd, 2024. Imagine escaping the cold and immersing yourself in the vibrant, blossoming art scene of these stunning islands.

From the bold, brilliant hues of local visual art to the rhythm of live performances, this week-long celebration will showcase the rich culture that makes Antigua and Barbuda the Caribbean’s hidden artistic gem. Whether you’re: strolling through galleries, catching a beachfront art show, or engaging with local artisans, this experience will be nothing short of inspiring.

Antigua and Barbuda’s Minister of Tourism, The Honourable Charles Fernandez, expresses the significance of the event, “Art Week is a platform for showcasing all the incredible talent and creativity developed in Antigua and Barbuda.”

“We are excited to share our culture and diverse art forms with the world – creating an avenue for our artists to shine and providing immersive art experiences for our visitors to participate in. Visitors to Antigua and Barbuda Art Week can expect art presentations by over 20 different artists, who will showcase their creativity at Antigua and Barbuda Art Week, bringing the country’s unique talents to life.”

Amongst the participating artists confirmed are: Visual Artists: Heather Doram MFA GCM, Stephen Murphy, Gilly Gobinet, Kelly Hull, Vincent Pryce Zifah, Maritza Martin, Carol Gordon-Goodwin, Simone Gordon, Wakida Joseph, Anfrenette Joseph, Faye Edwards, Artsy Yaadie (Stacie Shaw), Zoë Carlton, Makŏ Williams, Candi Coates, Glenroy Aaron, Mark Brown, Emile Hill, Dylan Elias Phillips and Guava De Art. Designers: Garrett Argent Javan, Launesha Barnes and Odelia Deazle will also feature within Art Week

Heather Doram, MFA, GCM a leading contemporary Antiguan artist whose work is featured in Antigua and Barbuda Art Week 2024 promotions said, “I am really looking forward to celebrating Art Week here in Antigua and Barbuda.  I am elated to know that the artists and creatives will be recognized during this exciting week of activities, and that Art Week has become a staple on our calendar of events. A warm welcome to everyone!”

Attendees of Art Week will also have the chance to delve deeper into various art forms through: immersive art and culture guided tours, art workshops and interactive sessions led by featured artists.

“Antigua and Barbuda Art Week is truly a celebration of our nation’s artists, spanning from young, emerging talents to seasoned professionals,” noted Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority Marketing Communications Manager, and Art Week committee member Maria Blackman. “Expect to see environmentally conscious art, fashion from our younger designers, be swept up in our music and dance, discover hidden galleries, experience art through mixology, uncover the beauty of seed work from tamarind and jumbie seeds, and shop for unique arts and crafts. Art Week 2024 will be an awakening of all senses, and we could not be prouder to host it.”

Event Highlights include:

  • Schools Art Competition: Launching in September, the competition will be open to artists in both primary and secondary schools, with the exceptional work to be displayed at the V.C. Bird International Airport.
  • Exhibitions and Galleries: A range of artwork, including paintings, carvings, sculptures, and installations, will be on display in galleries and public spaces throughout Antigua and Barbuda.
  • Workshops: Hands-on workshops led by local artists offer attendees a unique opportunity to learn new techniques, gain insight into the creative process and cultural heritage of the country.
  • Art Talks: Engage with artists and experts during insightful panel discussions about the arts in Antigua and Barbuda.
  • Live Art Performances: Experience the dynamic live music, dance and spoken word performances.
  • Paint Sessions: elevated sip and paints that explores mixology as art and allows participants to get creative through painting.
  • Art Tours: Participate in guided tours that traverse the twin-islands, soaking up the culture and taking attendees into homes and galleries of artists to explore their works.
  • Christmas Market: shop beautiful, locally made artisan products and crafts, that will make unique gifts for any occasion.

So, why not treat yourself to a tropical getaway that feeds your soul and sparks your creativity? Antigua and Barbuda Art Week is calling. Will you answer?

How to Attend: For more information on the event schedule, participating artists, and ticketing, please visit the Antigua and Barbuda Art Week website at

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