BY: VALERIE DYE Family law in Ontario is regulated by the Family Law Act and the Divorce Act. These Acts set out the laws relating to...
BY: VALERIE DYE Life insurance policies can be used to ensure that child and spousal support payments continue if the support payor dies. Quite often a...
BY: VALERIE DYE Spousal support payments can be made in several ways. They can be made retroactive to a date before the application was brought before...
BY: VALERIE DYE When the court issues an order for the payment of spousal support the payor or the payee may at a later stage seek...
BY VALERIE DYE In Canada couples who are going through a divorce divide their assets through the process of equalization. This is a process whereby both...
BY VALERIE DYE Bearing in mind that orders for the payment of child support and spousal support are based on certain circumstances the family law legislation...
BY VALERIE DYE Spousal support payments can be made in several ways. They can be made retroactive to a date before the application was brought before...
BY VALERIE DYE Spousal support may be claimed either under the federal Divorce Act or under the Family Law Act of Ontario. Under the Divorce Act...