The City of Brampton has opened applications for residents to help make decisions in their city, by joining one of the various committees or appointments for the 2018-2022 term of council. These committees are as follows; the Citizen-based Advisory Committees, Adjudicative Committees, Administrative Tribunals, and related appointments. This is an opportunity for residents to volunteer their time, invaluable expertise, and actively participate in a meaningful way. The application forms are to be submitted at the Clerk’s Office by email, mail, or in-person no later than 4:30 pm on January 18th, 2019.
There are several committees available which mean individuals are bound to find one that suits their skills and preferences. Each of these committees has a number of subcommittees. The Citizen-based Advisory Committees are made up of approximately eight different committees; Accessibility, Age-Friendly, Safety, Heritage, School Traffic Safety, Sports Hall of Fame, Cycling, and Environment. While the Adjudicative Committees and Administrative Committees are made up of five committees; the Committee of Adjustment, Brampton Appeal Tribunal, Compliance Audit Committee, Committee of Revision, and the Property Standards Committee. Furthermore, other appointments include; Audit, Election Compliance Audit, Administrative Monetary Penalty System Screening and Hearing, and Public Library Board. “Bramptonians who want to make an impact in our city should apply for a citizen appointment. Informed decision-making is only possible with resident advisors, that’s why citizen-based Advisory Committees, Adjudicative Committees, Administrative Tribunals, and related appointments are so crucial in Brampton. Together, we can make an impact,” says Patrick Brown, Mayor of the City of Brampton.
Moreover, for further motivation, Brampton citizens are recognized each year at the Annual Awards Ceremony. “A tradition in Brampton since 1974, the Brampton Citizens Awards are one of our city’s most important initiatives. These awards give us the opportunity to recognize the contributions of some of the outstanding individuals who help make Brampton a better place,” highlighted Brown. This year the ceremony will be held in May 2019. Residents who have significant achievement in the calendar year 2018 in the categories; Sports, Arts, Long-term service, Inspirational, Emergency, Volunteer and Senior of the year, will be honored.
This year is the time to get involved in the City of Brampton to make your mark and legacy. In order to get appointed, first, the appointment procedures require that the individual must be a resident of the City of Brampton, second, the citizen must fill out an application form, third, the list of names of all individuals will be provided to the Citizen Appointments Committee who will then conduct the interviews. Citizens will get to demonstrate their skills and commitment to making a meaningful impact on their city. Within a years’ time, you could be attending the Awards Ceremony in your honor!
For further information about the citizen appointments or citizen awards, please visit the City’s website: Residents who are interested in applying for the citizen appointments should contact the City Clerk’s Office, which is located at Brampton City Hall located at 2 Wellington Street West, Brampton, Ontario, by phone: 905-874-2101 or email: