Not so long ago the chipping of humans and nanotechnology were things that we all saw in the movies. Things like mind control, and robotics were all Hollywood dreams and schemes that we left in the cinema when we left the cinema, but as we speak the scary movie has become a sinister reality that’s devouring us in real-time.
The creators of this real-life horror movie live among us and are desperately pushing to turn us all into non-humans by injecting us with self-assembling nano-chips that can and will change our God-given DNA from humans to another evil species or creature.
This is where our Christian brothers come into this article. The Secretary Bishops of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate for the second time in a year have brought some concerning and devastating events to our attention, events that we feel the public must be aware of now.
Did you know that researchers at Columbia Engineering have built the world’s smallest single-chip system, consuming a total volume of less than 0.1 mm3? The system is visible only under a microscope. The team used ultrasound to both power and communicate with the device wirelessly, and that these inventors justify this injectable microchip by use in healthcare?
These are the words of the head architect of this plan “We wanted to see how far we could push the limits on how small a functioning chip we could make,” said the study’s leader Ken Shepard Lau Family professor of electrical engineering and professor of biomedical engineering. “This is a new idea of ‘chip as system’—this is a chip that alone, with nothing else, is a completely functioning electronic system. This should be revolutionary for developing wireless, miniaturized implantable medical devices that can sense different things, be used in clinical applications, and eventually approved for human use.”
The information went on to say that this team’s goal is to develop chips that can be injected into the body with a hypodermic needle and then communicate back out of the body using ultrasound, providing information about something they measure locally.
The current devices measure body temperature, but there are many more possibilities the team is working on. It is very important to note the “last sentence in this paragraph,” because as we all know things are not always used for what they were meant for.
According to The Secretary Bishops of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate “The chip is the most effective means of mentally enslaving mankind, unfortunately, healthcare today is not concerned with the health of the people, as the current pseudo pandemic has shown, but rather pursues vaccine-chipping and genocide.”
The bishops went on to explain, “The whole criminal agenda must be brought to light and the abuse of microchips clearly exposed. Weapons of mass destruction are used for physical destruction, while chipping is also intended for the eternal destruction of souls. How? The chip deprives a person of the most important thing, namely his will and freedom. It makes him a controllable bio-robot. This is a crime against humanity and a rebellion against God.”
Imagine seven of these chips were injected into rats for testing purposes, now humans? When a person ceases to have freedom of thought, emotion, movement, he or she becomes a slave. People can be chipped during any medical procedure, e.g., with an injection at the dentist, without their knowledge. This kind of technology has made medical abuse exceptionally easy.
Dr. Larry Palevsky said this about the components of this injection, “The kind of aluminium that we put into vaccines is a different kind of aluminium that we see environmentally. This is called a nanoparticle, and this binds very tightly to the bacteria antigens, the virus antigens and we know that the biochemical properties of the nanoparticles are capable of entering the brain.”
“The vaccine ingredients do enter the brain. There are scientists in Europe who have actually done studies on the aluminium nanoparticle and have shown that it can persist in the brain for years and decades,” said Palevsky.
All this from an experimental injection with unknown results, yet the government is forcing this on the children even as we speak.
“The purpose is clear, to create intentional infections, this will be enforced by laws that would make these injections mandatory and all this will make it possible to control people,” said Dr. Pierre Gilbert.
Gilbert went on to explain how detrimental the whole scheme is, “The vaccines will have liquid crystals that will become hosted in the brain cells and will become micro receivers of electromagnetic fields where waves of very low frequencies will be sent, and through these waves, people will be unable to think. You will be turned into a zombie.”
“This ideology that is now in power aims to reduce six billion people. The experimental vaccination is in the hands of elite satanists who do not hide their plan of mass enslavement of people in electronic camps and their subsequent annihilation.”
In conclusion, the bishops said, “This abuse must be sanctioned with the most severe punishments while there is time.”
It is up to mankind with the help of his supreme creator to “end” this Luciferian hoax being perpetrated on humanity under the disguise of our health and safety.