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The less Information you have the better it is for them; The takeover of media



Photo by Matthew Guay on Unsplash


There is a distinct divide within the media, one between high corporate led and owned establishments, and independent institutions. The fear of many is that local news will become intertwined with corporate expectations, demands and regulations all directed towards mass profitability.

The truth does not sell, while falsehoods, made up and manipulated news catches the public’s attention.

The problem we face is that most of the public cannot tell the difference between the truth and falsehoods. The creators of distorted truths are plenty and well financed by political and corporate influences. Those who try to publish truths are limited by their budgets, and their financial masters. The press is hacked many times each day, with their information storage stolen, manipulated and distorted.

Local news is under attack. Corporate investors purchase local media wholeheartedly with the intention of plugging the organization purchased into an overall controlled and manipulated media umbrella with a corporate narrative. The giants of media fame often sound alike do they not? Who owns them? Which corporation manages these organizations and to what purpose, profit or social political influencing?

The media is faced with multiple challenges, one being finances and how to become a profitable entity. The use of artificial intelligence technology is one way of achieving this goal. Search out articles and presentations on other media websites, steal them without paying for these articles and presenting them onto their platforms. Meta does this, as does Google and other platforms. Who is there to manage these escapades? No one really. The online police do not exist.

Localized media outlets work their butts off gathering, working and publishing magnificent work, only to have it stolen by organizations of such financial power that complaining makes no sense. Government comes in, as the Canadian federals did, but their attempts were made only to create a situation where Meta and their allies can negotiate approved rewards, and nothing really changes.

A.I.’s place within the media needs to be determined before the media’s efforts are distorted and insignificant. A.I. presently has the ability to search platforms and devise what is real or false news. It can also massage articles so that they appear as something unique and nothing like the original.

When profit is the primary goal to any effort, there will be people and organizations who mismanage their responsibilities as members of the media.  Furthermore, many within the public see media as something free, to be mined and used freely. The cost of maintaining and running a local media outlet is never thought of, so most media outlets exist on limited budgets, with limited abilities to seek the truth.

My generation has the obligation to invest and participate in local media, for should this not happen we will need to get used to the Trumpification of the media, where truth and falsehoods blur our perception of what is truth. The political and corporate world are withering down our expectations of the news cycle to mere minutes, blimps, where truly knowing what is happening in our capital, or across the world is difficult to decipher.

Remember folks, ignorance is not an excuse, nor your impartiality towards media needs and messages. The bad guys are trying to hide their actions or inactions, and the less information you have, the better it is for them. The media, especially the investigative media are our best bets to know the truth and seek justice.

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