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The old Hegelian Dialectic Scam at work; Create a problem, then find the cure




It has been revealed that in 1860 a German surgeon named Karl Thiersch was the first person to prove that cancer spread through malignant cells, and the Roman physician Celsus was the first to translate the word into the Latin word “cancer.

From back then until the present-day: chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and other ways to treat cancer have all been tried, but there has not been a cure and these treatments were all optional, no one is forced, nor has ever lost their job for not taking chemo.

There have also been thousands of studies done in the medical department, and patients have spent their life savings trying to stay alive, yet not a cure.

AIDS-Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome was first identified in the United States in 1981. However, HIV was propagating in the country before that.

We were led to believe that HIV-1, the most common form of the virus, spread from chimpanzees to humans on the Continent of Africa as is usually the case in most diseases, according to Western media and scientists. Anthony Fauci would be able to shed some more light on this subject.

In March of 1983 the CDC –Center for Disease Control declared that certain groups were at increased risk for HIV. These groups were as follows:

  • People with hemophilia, who received contaminated blood through transfusions.
  • Homosexual men, who reported higher incidences of the condition.
  • Heroin users and other people who use injectable drugs.
  • Haitians or people of Haitian origin, as many cases of AIDS were reported in Haiti.

In September 1985, President Ronald Reagan called AIDS research “a top priority” for his administration. In 1995, President Bill Clinton hosted the first White House Conference on HIV and AIDS and called for a vaccine research center. This center later opened in 1999.

Even though AIDS at its peak killed more than 49,000 Americans due to its complications, they have not yet developed a vaccine to cure this monster. What’s more shocking is that no one was ever asked to show proof of AIDS treatment before they could board a plane or enter a restaurant. Remember we were told it can spread by blood and or saliva?

My search for truth has now landed me on the diabetes trail, follow me as I look for a cure. Diabetes happens when the body does not produce enough insulin, or use it appropriately, leading to high levels of sugar in the blood. Since the 1920’s, scientists have been using insulin to treat this ailment, however, there is still no cure for this disease.

Over 3,000 years ago, the ancient Egyptians noticed a condition that appears to have been type 1 diabetes. Its symptoms were excessive urination, thirst, and weight loss.

We have looked at three deadly diseases so far, and no matter how much research is done, Big Pharma has not been able to cough up a cure. I wonder why?

Now let’s look at the deadliest one of them all, disease number four-COVID-19. This so-called disease raised its ugly head in early 2020 and with literally no research and within a few short months, a cure was found by four, or more of the big pharma companies.

They all lied about testing this product, lied about its efficacy, and lied about the poisonous and deadly effects of this experimental gene-altering bioweapon, which they forced on humanity.

The planners of this product were caught on video discussing how they were going to circumvent the normal protocol of a vaccine.

With a track record like that, it is safe to say that these so-called vaccines were prepared months if not years in advance, just waiting for the puzzle pieces to fall into place.

We saw the old Hegelian dialectic scam at work, create a problem, then find the cure.

Let us think rationally for a moment, why is everyone who speaks out about vaccinated people dying suddenly censored? Why are “nongovernmental narrative” news articles banned from social media especially Facebook in Canada? Why are doctors still pushing this so-called vaccine on their patients, after all these deaths? Why did Bill Gates say, “We can control the earth’s population if we do a good job on vaccines?” Why can’t Canadian doctors prescribe Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine for their patients?

Which head of government is heavily invested in a certain vaccine company? Think about it, is your government hiding something?

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