Why do you think the RCMP and CSIS have large departments focusing upon international efforts to acquire and steal our high-tech trade and secrets? The FBI has said there are 1,500+ Chinese agents in Canada embedded within our: scientific, research and R&B communities. Many more exist in America with the intention of acquiring North American scientific discoveries. Foreign intelligence agencies have been able to acquire and steal this information, plans and discoveries through their fraudulent, manipulative and threatening methods. Search for scientific stars who have personal secrets of their own, gamble, misuse their finances, become indebted, have sexual dalliances with others while being married, are members of the LGBTQ community (many still hide this fact), are members of radical movements, or are just socially different from the status quo.
China’s Ministry of State Security simply believes stealing information, or scientific finds is easier than putting all the money and effort into it themselves. India’s International Intelligence Bureau searches out: financial, scientific and corporate information all the while as they search for ethnic dissidents to neutralize or eliminate. Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence main goal is to: distort, manipulate and, or eliminate those opposed to the religious authorities domestically, and internationally. Another intelligence agency that threatens Canadians comes from Saudi Arabia, whose Mabahith and General Intelligence Presidency have agents actively spying and harming those who oppose the Saudi Kingdom. These are but a few players in an ever-increasing gang of thieves, cutthroats and authoritarian thugs. Russia’s intelligence agencies have been active in North America for over a hundred years.
CSIS admits that they happen upon active players two out of ten times. The threat of these international spies and saboteurs is real, but well hidden from the public domain. Do the intelligence agencies of the west tell the public of the daily movements of those who threaten our society? They cannot for many reasons, particularly that the public will certainly lose respect and trust in our governmental agencies.
The undue pressure placed upon our government officials has been going on for many decades. It is nothing new. Our politicians have had this information for a very long time, but simply cannot speak about it for security reasons. Adding to the threat upon our elected officials and government workers is the possibility they have family members remaining in the above-mentioned countries, all under threat.
Let’s be aware, eyes open and alert to any threats. You see something speak up.